2 Kings 24:2-4

the Lord.

6:23; 13:20,21; De 28:49,50; 2Ch 33:11; Job 1:17; Isa 7:17; 13:5

Jer 35:11; Eze 19:8


20:17; 21:12-14; 23:27; Isa 6:11,12; Jer 25:9; 26:6,20; 32:28

Mic 3:12

his. Heb. the hand of his.


18:25; Ge 50:20; 2Ch 24:24; 25:16; Isa 10:5,6; 45:7; 46:10,11

Am 3:6

remove them.

23:26,27; Le 26:33-35; De 4:26,27; 28:63; 29:28; Jos 23:15

Jer 15:1-4; Mic 2:10

for the sins.

21:2-11; Ex 20:5

for the innocent.

21:16; Nu 35:33; De 19:10; Jer 2:34; 19:4

he filled.

Ps 106:38


Jer 15:1,2; La 3:42; Eze 33:25

2 Kings 25:1

1 Jerusalem is besieged.

4 Zedekiah taken, his sons slain, his eyes put out.

8 Nebuzar-adan defaces the city, carries the remnant, except a few poor labourers, into captivity;

13 and spoils and carries away the treasures.

18 The nobles are slain at Riblah.

22 Gedaliah, who was over them that remained, being slain, the rest flee into Egypt.

27 Evil-merodach advances Jehoiachin in his court.

A.M. 3414. B.C. 590. in the ninth.This according to the computation of Archbishop Usher, was on Thursday, January 30th, A.M. 3414, which was a sabbatical year; wherein they proclaimed liberty to their servants, according to the law, but soon enthralled them again. (See Jer 34:8-10.)

2Ch 36:17-21; Jer 34:2,3-6; 39:1-10; 52:4,5-11; Eze 24:1,2-14


24:1,10; 1Ch 6:15; Jer 27:8; 32:28; 43:10; 51:34; Eze 26:7


Da 4:1-18


Isa 29:3; Jer 32:24; Eze 4:1-8; 21:22-24; Lu 19:43,44

Jeremiah 6:3


Na 3:18

they shall.

4:16,17; 39:1-3; 2Ki 24:2,10-12; 25:1-4; Lu 19:43

Jeremiah 16:6

the great.

13:13; Isa 9:14-17; 24:2; Eze 9:5,6; Am 6:11; Re 6:15; 20:12


4; 22:18,19

nor cut.

7:29; 41:5; 47:5; 48:37; Le 19:28; De 14:1; Isa 22:12

Jeremiah 21:4-5


32:5; 33:5; 37:8-10; 38:2,3,17,18; 52:18; Isa 10:4; Ho 9:12

and I.

39:3; Isa 5:5; 13:4; La 2:5,7; Eze 16:37-41; Zec 14:2; Mt 22:7


Isa 63:10; La 2:4,5

with an.

32:17; Ex 6:6; 9:15; De 4:23; Isa 5:25; 9:12,17,21; 10:4

Eze 20:33,34; Na 1:5,6

Jeremiah 34:22

I will command.

2Sa 16:11; 2Ki 24:2,3; 2Ch 36:17; Isa 10:5-7; 13:3; 37:26; 45:1-3

Am 3:6; Mt 22:7

cause.They did return, and reinvested the city; and, after an obstinate defence, took it, plundered it, and burnt it to the ground, taking Zedekiah, his princes, and people, captive.


shall fight.

21:4-10; 32:29; 38:23; 39:1,2,8; 52:7,13

and I will.

9:11; 33:10; 44:2-6,22; Isa 6:11; 24:12; 64:10; La 1:1; Eze 33:27,28

Mic 7:13; Zec 1:12; 7:14

Lamentations 2:1-8

1 Jeremiah laments the misery of Jerusalem.

20 He complains thereof to God.


1:1; 4:1


3:43,44; Eze 30:18; 32:7,8; Joe 2:2

and cast.

Isa 14:12-15; Eze 28:14-16; Mt 11:23; Lu 10:15,18; Re 12:7-9

the beauty.

1Sa 4:21; 2Sa 1:19; Isa 64:11; Eze 7:20-22; 24:21

his footstool.

1Ch 28:2; Ps 99:5; 132:7


17,21; 3:43; Job 2:3; *marg:

Ps 21:9; Isa 27:11; Jer 13:14; 21:7; Eze 5:11; 7:4,9; 8:18; 9:10

Zec 11:5,6; Mt 18:33

he hath thrown.

5,17; Jer 5:10; Mic 5:11,12; Mal 1:4; 2Co 10:4

brought them down to. Heb. made to touch.

Isa 25:12; 26:5; Ps 89:39


Ps 89:39,40; Isa 23:9; *marg:

Isa 43:28; 47:6

the horn.

Job 16:15; Ps 75:5,10; 89:24; 132:17; Jer 48:25; Lu 1:69

he hath.

Ps 74:11

he burned.

De 32:22; Ps 79:5; 89:46; Isa 1:31; 42:25; Jer 4:4; 7:20; Mal 4:1

Lu 3:17


5; 3:3,12,13; Job 6:4; 16:12-14; Isa 63:10; Jer 21:5; 30:14

that were pleasant to the eye. Heb. the desirable of theeye.

Eze 24:25

he poured.

4:1; 2Ch 34:21,25; Isa 42:25; 51:17-20; 63:6; Jer 4:4; 7:20

Jer 21:5,12; 36:7; Eze 5:13; 6:12; 22:22; 36:18; Na 1:2,6


4; Jer 15:1; 30:14

he hath swallowed up Israel.

2; 2Ki 25:9; 2Ch 36:16,17; Jer 52:13


Eze 2:10

he hath violently."He hath destroyed the temple, as if it had been no better than a cottage erected in a garden, while the fruit is gathering, and then removed, or suffered to decay."

Ps 80:12; 89:40; Isa 5:5; 63:18; 64:11

tabernacle. or, hedge. as if.

Isa 1:8


1:4; Zep 3:18

the king.

4:16,20; 5:12; Isa 43:28; Jer 52:11-27; Eze 12:12,13; 17:18

Mal 2:9

cast off.

1; Le 26:31,44; Ps 78:59-61; Isa 64:10,11; Jer 7:12-14; 26:6,18

Jer 52:13; Eze 7:20-22; 24:21; Mic 3:12; Mt 24:2; Ac 6:13,14

given up. Heb. shut up.

5; 2Ch 36:19; Jer 32:29; 33:3,4; 39:8; Eze 7:24; Am 2:5

they have.

Ps 72:4-20; 74:3-8; Eze 7:21,22


17; Isa 5:5; Jer 5:10


2Sa 8:2; 2Ki 21:13; Isa 28:17; 34:11; Am 7:7,8

he hath not.

Job 13:21; Eze 20:22

destroying. Heb. swallowing up.


he made.

Isa 3:26; Jer 14:2

Lamentations 2:17-22


8; Le 26:14-46; De 28:15-68; 29:18-23; 31:16,17; 32:15-27

Jer 18:11; Mic 2:3

he hath thrown.

1,2; Eze 5:11; 7:8,9; 8:18; 9:10

he hath caused.

1:5; De 28:43,44; Ps 38:16; 89:42


Ps 119:145; Isa 26:16,17; Ho 7:14

O wall.

8; Hab 2:11

let tears.

1:2,16; 3:48,49; Ps 119:136; Jer 4:31; 9:1,17,18; 13:17; 14:17

the apple.{Bath ayin,} which sometimes means the pupil of the eye, seems here to denote tears, the produce of the eye; and therefore elegantly termed the daughter of the eye.

cry out.

Ps 42:8; 62:8; 119:55,147,148; Isa 26:9; Mr 1:35; Lu 6:12


Jud 7:19; Mt 14:25; Mr 13:35


1Sa 1:15; 7:6; Job 3:24; Ps 62:8; 142:2

lift up.

Ps 28:2; 63:4; 134:2; 141:2; 1Ti 2:8

that faint.

11,12; 4:1-9; Isa 51:20; Eze 5:10,16; Na 3:10


Ex 32:11; De 9:26; Isa 63:16-19; 64:8-12; Jer 14:20-21

Shall the women.

4:10; Le 26:29; De 28:53-57; 2Ki 6:28,29; Jer 19:9; Eze 5:10

of a span long. or, swaddled with their hands. shall thepriest.

1:19; 4:13,16; Ps 78:64; Isa 9:14-17; Jer 5:31; 14:15-18; 23:11-15

Eze 9:5,6


De 28:50; Jos 6:21; 1Sa 15:3; 2Ch 36:17; Es 3:13; Jer 51:22

Eze 9:6

my virgins.

1:15,18; Ps 78:63; Jer 9:21; 11:22; 18:21; Am 4:10

thou hast killed.

2,17; 3:43; Isa 27:11; Jer 13:14; 21:7; Eze 5:11; 7:4,9; 8:18

Eze 9:5,10; Zec 11:6

my terrors.

Ps 31:13; Isa 24:17,18; Jer 6:25; 20:3; 46:5; Am 9:1-4


De 28:18; Jer 16:2-4; Ho 9:12-16; Lu 23:29,30
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