2 Kings 4:31

neither voice.

1Sa 14:37; 28:6; Eze 14:3; Mt 17:16-21; Mr 9:19-29; Ac 19:13-17

hearing. Heb. attention.

1Ki 18:26,29

not awaked.

Job 14:12; Da 12:2; Mr 5:39; Joh 11:11,43,44; Eph 5:14

Matthew 17:20-21


17; 14:30,31; Heb 3:19


21:21; Mr 11:23; Lu 17:6; 1Co 12:9; 13:2

faith.That is, as Bp. Pearce well remarks, a thriving and increasing faith, like a grain of mustard seed, which, from being the least of seeds, becomes the greatest of all herbs.

a grain.

13:31; Mr 4:31


Mr 9:23; Lu 1:37; 18:27




1Ki 17:20,21; Da 9:3; Mr 9:29; Ac 13:2,3; 14:23; 1Co 7:5; 2Co 11:27

Eph 6:18

Luke 9:1

1 Christ sends his apostles to work miracles, and to preach.

7 Herod desires to see Christ.

10 The apostles return.

12 Christ feeds five thousand;

18 enquires what opinion the world had of him; foretells his passion;

23 proposes to all the pattern of his patience.

28 The transfiguration.

37 He heals the lunatic;

43 again forewarns his disciples of his passion;

46 commends humility;

51 bids them to shew mildness towards all, without desire of revenge.

57 Divers would follow him, but upon conditions.


6:13-16; Mt 10:2-5; Mr 3:13-19; 6:7-13


10:19; Mt 10:1; 16:19; Mr 6:7; 16:17,18; Joh 14:12; Ac 1:8; 3:16

Ac 4:30; 9:34

Luke 10:17-19

1,9; 9:1; Ro 16:20

I beheld Satan.

Joh 12:31; 16:11; Heb 2:14; 1Jo 3:8; Re 9:1; 12:7-9; 20:2

I give.

Ps 91:13; Isa 11:8; Eze 2:6; Mr 16:18; Ac 28:5; Ro 16:20

and nothing.

21:17,18; Ro 8:31-39; Heb 13:5,6; Re 11:5

Acts 19:13-16


Ge 4:12,14; Ps 109:10


Mt 12:27; Lu 11:19


8:18,19; Mr 9:38; Lu 9:49


Jos 6:26; 1Sa 14:24; 1Ki 22:16; Mt 26:63; Mr 5:7


16:17,18; Ge 3:1-5; 1Ki 22:21-23; Mt 8:29-31; Mr 1:24,34; 5:9-13

Lu 4:33-35; 8:28-32

Mr 5:3,4,15; Lu 8:29,35
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