2 Samuel 11:11

The ark.

7:2,6; 1Sa 4:4; 14:18

my lord.

20:6; Mt 10:24,25; Joh 13:14; 1Co 9:25-27; 2Ti 2:3,4,12

Heb 12:1,2

shall I then.

Isa 22:12-14

as thou livest.

14:19; 1Sa 1:26; 17:55; 20:3; 25:26

1 Kings 1:33


2Sa 20:6

and cause.Maimonides informs us, that it was a capital offence for any one to ride on the king's mule, to sit on his throne, or to handle his sceptre, without permission; and as David ordered Solomon to ride on his own mule, etc., it was ample evidence that he had appointed him his successor.

to ride.

5,38,44; Ge 41:43; Es 6:6-11

mine own mule. Heb. the mule which belongeth to me.

Le 19:19


38,45; 2Ch 32:30
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