2 Samuel 12:10

the sword.

13:28,29; 18:14,15,33; 1Ki 2:23-25; Am 7:9; Mt 26:52


Nu 11:20; 1Sa 2:30; Mal 1:6,7; Mt 6:24; Ro 2:4; 1Th 4:8

hast taken.

Ge 20:3; Pr 6:32,33

2 Samuel 13

1 Amnon loving Tamar, by Jonadab's counsel feigning himself sick, ravishes her.

15 He hates her, and shamefully turns her away.

19 Absalom entertains her, and conceals his purpose.

23 At a sheep-shearing among all the king's sons, he kills Amnon.

31 David grieving at the news, is comforted by Jonadab.

37 Absalom flies to Talmai at Geshur.

A.M. 2972. B.C. 1032. A. Ex. Is. 459. Absalom.

3:2,3; 1Ch 3:2

a fair sister.

11:2; Ge 6:2; 39:6,7; Pr 6:25; 31:30


14:27; 1Ch 3:9

loved her.

15; Ge 29:18,20; 34:3; 1Ki 11:1


1Ki 21:4; So 5:8; 2Co 7:10

Amnon, etc. Heb. it was marvellous, or hidden, in the eyesof Amnon.

a friend.

Ge 38:1,20; Jud 14:20; Es 5:10,14; 6:13; Pr 19:6


32; 1Sa 16:9

Shimeah. subtil man.

14:2,19,20; Ge 3:1; Jer 4:22; 1Co 3:19; Jas 3:15

Why art.

1Ki 21:7; Es 5:13,14; Lu 12:32

lean. Heb. thin. from day to day. Heb. morning by morning.I love.

Isa 3:9; Jer 8:12; Mic 7:3

my brother.

Le 18:9; 20:17

Lay thee.

16:21-23; 17:1-4; Ps 50:18,19; Pr 19:27; Mr 6:24,25; Ac 23:15

make me.

Ge 18:6; Mt 13:33


she took.Dr. Russell says, "The Eastern ladies often wash their own hands, prepare cakes, pastry, etc. in their apartments; and some few particular dishes are cooked by themselves, but not in their apartments: on such occasions, they go to some room near the kitchen."

flour. or, paste. and made cakes.Rather, as Mr. Parkhurst renders, "and tossed it (wattelabbaiv) in his sight, and dressed the tossed cakes (halleveevoth)." This will receive illustration from the account which Mr. Jackson gives of the Arabian manner of kneading and baking. "They have a small place built with clay, between two and three feet high, having a hole at the bottom for the convenience of drawing out the ashes, something similar to that of a brick-kiln. The oven is usually about fifteen inches wide at top, and gradually grows wider to the bottom. It is heated with wood; and when sufficiently hot, and perfectly clear from smoke, having nothing but clear embers at bottom, which continue to reflect great heat, they prepare the dough in a large bowl, and mould the cakes to the desired size on a board or stone placed near the oven. After they have kneaded the cake to a proper consistency, they pat it a little, then toss it about with great dexterity in one hand till it is as thin as they choose to make it. They then wet one side of it with water, at the same time wetting the hand and arm with which they put it into the oven."


And Ammon.

Ge 45:1; Jud 3:19; Joh 3:20


Come lie.

Ge 39:11,12

force me. Heb. humble me.

Ge 34:2; De 22:29

no such thing ought. Heb. it ought not so.

Le 18:9,11; 20:17


Ge 34:7; Jud 19:23; 20:6; Pr 5:22,23; 7:7

Now therefore.

Ge 19:8; Jud 19:24

forced her.

12:11; De 22:25-27; Jud 20:5; Es 7:8

hated her.

Eze 23:17

exceedingly. Heb. with great hatred greatly.



a garment.

Ge 37:3,32; Jud 5:30; Ps 45:13,14

put ashes.

1:2; Jos 7:6; Job 2:12; 42:6

laid her.

Jer 2:37

Amnon. Heb. Aminon. but hold.

Pr 26:24; Ro 12:19

regard not. Heb. set not thine heart on. desolate. Heb.and desolate.

Ge 34:2; 46:15

he was very wroth.The Septuagint and Vulgate add, [Kai ouk elupese to pneuma Amnon tou huiou autou, hoti egapa auton, hoti prototokos autou en;] et noluit contristare spiritum Amnon filii sui, quoniam diligebat eum, quia primogenitus erat ei: "But he would not grieve the soul of Amnon his son, for he loved him because he was his first-born." The same addition is found in Josephus; and it is probable that it once formed a part of the Hebrew text.

3:28,29; 12:5,10; Ge 34:7; 1Sa 2:22-25,29; Ps 101:8


Le 19:17,18; Pr 25:9; Mt 18:15

neither good.

Ge 24:50; 31:24,29


Le 19:17,18; Pr 10:18; 26:24; 27:4-6; Ec 7:9; Eph 4:26,31; 1Jo 3:15

A.M. 2974. B.C. 1030. An. Ex. Is 461. sheep-shearers.

Ge 38:12,13; 1Sa 25:2,4,36; 2Ki 3:4; 2Ch 26:10


1Ki 1:9,19,25

let the king.

11:8-15; Ps 12:2; 55:21; Jer 41:6,7


Ge 19:2,3; Jud 19:7-10; Lu 14:23; 24:29; Ac 16:15


14:22; *marg:

Ru 2:4

let my brother.He urged this with the more plausibility because Amnon was the first-born, and presumptive heir to the crown; and he had dissembled his resentment so long and so well that he was not suspected.

3:27; 11:13-15; 20:9; Ps 55:21


Pr 26:24-26


11:15; Ex 1:16,17; 1Sa 22:17,18; Ac 5:29

heart is merry.

11:13; Ge 9:21; 19:32-35; Jud 19:6,9,22; Ru 3:7; 1Sa 25:36-38

1Ki 20:16; Es 1:10; Ps 104:15; Ec 9:7; 10:19; Da 5:2-6,30; Na 1:10

Lu 21:34

fear not.

Nu 22:16,17; 1Sa 28:10,13

have not I. or, Will you not, since I have, etc.

Jos 1:9

valiant. Heb. sons of valour.


1Sa 22:18,19; 1Ki 21:11-13; 2Ki 1:9-12; Pr 29:12; Mic 7:3

gat him up. Heb. rode. mule.

18:9; Ge 36:24; Le 19:19; 1Ki 1:33



12:16; Ge 37:29,34; Jos 7:6; Job 1:20

all his servants.

1:11; 3:31




1Sa 16:9

Shammah. David's brother.This was a very bad man: he had given his cousin Amnon the most detestable advice; and here speaks coolly of a most bloody tragedy of which he had been the cause.

appointment. Heb. mouth. determined. or, settled.

Ge 27:41; Ps 7:14; Pr 24:11,12

let not my lord.


Absalom fled.

38; Ge 4:8-14; Pr 28:17; Am 5:19

as they servant said. Heb. according to the word of thyservant.


very sore. Heb. with a great weeping greatly.

15; *marg:

12:21; 18:33

Absalom fled.As Absalom had committed wilful murder, he could not avail himself of a city of refuge; but went to Talmai, king of Geshur, his maternal grandfather.


3:3; 1Ch 3:2

Ammihud. or, Ammihur.

A.M. 2974-2977. B.C. 1030-1027. An. Ex. Is. 461-464.Geshur. This was not the Geshur lying between Philistia and Egypt, (Jos 13:13. 1 Sa 27:8,) but another in Syria; probably the same as that beyond Jordan, whose inhabitants are joined with those of Maachathi, De 3:14. Jos 12:5.

14:23,32; 15:8

the soul of.

Ge 31:30; De 28:32; Php 2:26

longed. or, was consumed.

Ps 84:2; 119:20


12:23; Ge 24:67; 37:35; 38:12

2 Samuel 16

1 Ziba, by presents and false suggestions, obtains his master's inheritance.

5 At Bahurim Shimei curse David.

9 David with patience abstains, and restrains others, from revenge.

15 Hushai insinuates himself into Absalom's counsel.

20 Ahithophel's counsel.

little past.




with a couple.

17:27-29; 19:32; 1Sa 17:17,18; 25:18; 1Ch 12:40; Pr 18:16; 29:4,5

summer.These were probably pumpkins, cucumbers, or water-melons; the two latter being extensively used in the East to refresh travellers in the burning heat of the summer; and probably, as Mr. Harmer supposes, called summer fruits on this very account.

Jer 40:10,12; Am 8:1; Mic 7:1

a bottle.

1Sa 10:3; 16:20

What meanest.

Ge 21:29; 33:8; Eze 37:18The asses. This is the eastern mode of speaking when presenting any thing to a great man: "This is for the slaves of the servants of your majesty;" when at the same time the presents are intended for the sovereign himself, and it is so understood.

15:1; 19:26; Jud 5:10; 10:4

for the young.

1Sa 25:27

that such.

15:23; 17:29; Jud 8:4,5; 1Sa 14:28; Pr 31:6,7

where is.

9:9,10; Ps 88:18; Mic 7:5


19:24-30; Ex 20:16; De 19:18,19; Ps 15:3; 101:5; Pr 1:19; 21:28

1Ti 6:9,10; Jude 1:11


14:10,11; Ex 23:8; De 19:15; Pr 18:13,17; 19:2

I humbly beseech thee. Heb. I do obeisance.


Bahurim.This place is supposed to be the same as Almon, (Jos 21:18,) and Almeth, (1 Ch 6:60,) a city of Benjamin, north of Jerusalem, and apparently not far from Olivet.

14; 3:16; 17:18

whose name.

19:16-18; 1Ki 2:8,9,36-44,45,46

he came, etc. or, he still came forth and cursed. cursed.

Ex 22:28; 1Sa 17:43; Ps 69:26; 109:16-19,28; Pr 26:2; Ec 10:20

Isa 8:21; Mt 5:11,12


bloody man. Heb. man of blood.

3:37; 11:15-17; 12:9; Ps 5:6; 51:14

man of Belial.

De 13:13; 1Sa 2:12; 25:17; 1Ki 21:10,13


Jud 9:24,56,57; 1Ki 2:32,33; Ac 28:4,5; Re 16:6

the blood.

1:16; 3:28,29; 4:8-12; Ps 3:2; 4:2

thou, etc. or, thee in thy evil.


3:30; 1Sa 26:6-8

dead dog.

3:8; 9:8; 1Sa 24:14


Ex 22:28; Ac 23:5; 1Pe 2:17

let me go.

1Sa 26:6-11; Job 31:30,31; Jer 40:13-16

What have.

3:39; 19:22; 1Ki 2:5; Mt 16:23; Lu 9:54-56; 1Pe 2:23

so let him.

Ge 50:20; 1Ki 22:21-23; 2Ki 18:25; La 3:38,39; Joh 18:11

Who shall.

Job 9:12; Ec 8:4; Da 4:35; Ro 9:20



came forth.

7:2; Ge 15:4


17:1-4; 2Ki 19:37; 2Ch 32:21; Mt 10:21

the Lord.

Isa 10:5-7; Eze 14:9; 20:25

the Lord.

Ge 29:32,33; Ex 2:24,25; 3:7,8; 1Sa 1:11; Ps 25:18

affliction. or, tears. Heb. eye. requite.

De 23:5; Isa 27:7; Mt 5:11,12; Ro 8:28; 2Co 4:17; 2Th 1:7

Heb 12:10; 1Pe 4:12-19



cast dust. Heb. dusted him with dust.

Ac 23:23It was an ancient custom, in those warm and arid countries, to lay the dust before a person of distinction, by sprinkling the ground with water. Dr. Pococke and the consul were treated with this respect when they entered Cairo. The same custom is alluded to in the well-known fable of Phædrus, in which a slave is represented going before Augustus and officiously laying the dust. To throw dust in the air while a person was passing was therefore an act of great disrespect; to do so before a sovereign prince, an indecent outrage. But it is probable that Shimei meant more than disrespect and outrage to this afflicted king. Sir John Chardin informs us, that in the East, in general, those who demand justice against a criminal throw dust upon him, signifying that he ought to be put in the grave: and hence the common imprecation among the Turks and Persians, "Be covered with earth," or, "Earth be upon thy head."





God save the king. Heb. let the king live.

1Sa 10:24; 1Ki 1:25,34; 2Ki 11:12; Da 2:4; 5:10; 6:6,21; Mt 21:9

Is this thy.

De 32:6

why wentest.

15:32-37; 19:25; Pr 17:17; 18:24

5:1-3; 1Sa 16:13

should I not serve.

15:34; 1Sa 28:2; 29:8; Ps 55:21; Ga 2:13

Give counsel.

Ex 1:10; Ps 2:2; 37:12,13; Pr 21:30; Isa 8:10; 29:15; Mt 27:1

Ac 4:23-28

Go in.

Ge 6:4; 38:16

unto thy.

12:11; 15:16; 20:3; Ge 35:22; Le 18:8; 20:11; 1Ki 2:17,22; 1Co 5:1


Ge 34:30; 1Sa 13:4

thy father.

Ge 49:3,4

then shall.

1Sa 27:12

the hands.

2:7; Zec 8:13

the top.


went in.

12:11,12; 15:16; 20:3; Nu 25:6; Isa 3:9; Jer 3:3; 8:12; Eze 24:7

Php 3:19

as if.

Nu 27:21; 1Sa 30:8; Ps 28:2; 1Pe 4:11

oracle of God. Heb. word of God.

Ps 19:7

so was.The first counsel of this sagacious but wicked man to Absalom was more like an oracle of Satan, both for subtlety and atrocity. He advised the shameless measure just detailed, in order to establish Absalom, and to preclude the possibility of a reconciliation with David. The wives of a conquered king were always the property of the conqueror; and in possessing these he appeared to possess the right to the kingdom.

all the counsel.

17:14,23; Job 5:12; 28:28; Jer 4:22; 8:9; Mt 11:25; Lu 16:8; Ro 1:22

1Co 3:19,20; Jas 3:13-18


15:12; Ec 10:1

Job 5:17-18


Ps 94:12; Pr 3:11,12; Jer 31:18; Heb 12:5-11; Jas 1:12; 5:11

Re 3:19

De 32:39; 1Sa 2:6; Ps 147:3; Isa 30:26

Psalms 66:10-12

hast proved us.

17:3; De 8:2,16; 13:3


Pr 17:3; Isa 48:10; Zec 13:9; 1Pe 1:6,7


Job 19:6; La 1:13; 3:2-66; Ho 7:12; Mt 6:13


De 33:11


129:1-3; Isa 51:23


Isa 43:1,2; Ac 14:22; 1Th 3:3,4

but thou.

33:19; 40:2,3; Job 36:16; Lu 16:25; Jas 5:11; Re 7:14-17

wealthy. Heb. moist.

107:35-37; Isa 35:6,7

Psalms 94:12-13


119:67,71; Job 5:17; Pr 3:11; 1Co 11:32; Heb 12:5-11


Job 33:16-25; Mic 6:9; Re 3:19


Isa 26:20,21; Hab 3:16; 2Co 4:17,18; 2Th 1:7,8; Heb 4:9; Re 14:13

until the pit.

9:15; 55:23; Jer 18:20,22; 2Pe 2:9; 3:3-7; Re 6:10,11; 11:18
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