2 Samuel 14:11

let the king.

Ge 14:22; 24:2,3; 31:50; 1Sa 20:42

thou, etc. Heb. the revenger of blood do not multiply todestroy. the revengers.

Nu 35:19,27; De 19:4-10; Jos 20:3-6

As the Lord.

1Sa 14:45; 28:10; Jer 4:2

not one hair.

1Ki 1:52; Mt 10:30; Ac 27:34

2 Samuel 19:23

Thou shalt.

1Ki 2:8,9,37,46


1Sa 28:10; 30:15; Heb 6:16

Jeremiah 40:9-10


1Sa 20:16,17; 2Ki 25:24


27:11; 38:17-20; Ge 49:15; Ps 37:3; 128:2

serve. Heb. stand before.

35:19; De 1:38; Pr 22:29; Lu 21:36




12; 48:32; 2Sa 16:1; Isa 16:9; Mic 7:1

Ezekiel 33:24-29

they that.The small remnant which continued in the land under Gedaliah, after the desolation of Jerusalem, flattered themselves, notwithstanding all their crimes, that they should inherit the whole land.

27; 5:3,4; 34:2; Jer 39:10; 40:7


27; 36:4


Isa 51:2; Ac 7:5

but we.

Mic 3:11; Mt 3:9; Lu 3:8; Joh 8:33,39; Ro 4:12; 9:7; 1Th 5:3

Ye eat.

Ge 9:4; Le 3:17; 7:26,27; 17:10-14; 19:26; De 12:16; 1Sa 14:32-34

Ac 15:20,21,29; 21:25

lift up.

18:6,12,15; De 4:19; Ps 24:4; Jer 44:15-19

and shed.

9:9; 22:6,9,27

shall ye.

Jer 7:9,10


Ge 27:40; Mic 2:1,2; Zep 3:3


18:12; Le 18:26-30; 20:13; 1Ki 11:5-7; 1Pe 4:3; Re 21:8,27

and ye.

18:6,11,15; 22:9-11; Jer 5:8,9

and shall.

Le 18:25,28; 20:22; De 4:25,26; 29:18-23; Jos 23:15,16; 1Sa 2:30

Ps 50:16-20; 94:20,21


24; 5:12-17; 6:11-14; Jer 15:2-4; 42:22; 44:12

will I.


to be devoured. Heb. to devour him. in the caves.

Jud 6:2; 1Sa 13:6; 22:1; 23:14; 24:3; Jer 41:9

I will lay.

6:14; 12:20; 15:8; 36:34,35; 2Ch 36:21; Isa 6:11; Jer 9:11; 16:16

Jer 25:11; 44:2,6,22; Mic 7:13; Zec 7:13,14

most desolate. Heb. desolation and desolation. and thepomp.

7:24; 24:21; 30:6,7

and the mountains.

6:2-6; 36:4


6:7; 7:27; 23:49; 25:11; Ex 14:18; Ps 9:16; 83:17,18


6:11; 8:6-15; 22:2-15,25-31; 36:17,18; 2Ki 17:9-18; 2Ch 36:14-17

Jer 5:1-9,25-31; Mic 6:9-12; Zep 3:1-4
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