2 Samuel 14:17

comfortable. Heb. for rest. as an angel.This is very much like the hyperbolical language which is addressed by the Hindoos to an European when they desire to obtain something from him: "Saheb," say they, "can do every thing. No one can prevent the execution of Saheb's commands. Saheb is God." Though the expression may be imputed to the hyperbolical genius of these countries, yet there was, perhaps, more of real persuasion than we are apt to suppose. Sir John Chardin states, that having found fault with the king of Persia's valuation of a rich trinket, the grand master told him that if a Persian had dared to have done such a thing, it would have been as much as his life was worth. "Know," said he, "that the kings of Persia have a general and full knowledge of matters, as sure as it is extensive; and that, equally in the greatest and smallest things, there is nothing more just and sure than what they pronounce."

20; 19:27; 1Sa 29:9; Pr 27:21; 29:5

to discern. Heb. to hear.

1Ki 3:9,28; Job 6:30; 1Co 2:14,15; *marg:

Heb 5:14

2 Samuel 19:27


16:3; Ex 20:16; Ps 15:3; 101:5; Jer 9:4

as an angel.

14:17,20; 1Sa 29:9

Job 32:21-22


13:8; 34:19; Le 19:15; De 1:17; 16:19; Pr 24:23; Mt 22:16


2Sa 14:17,20; Ac 12:22,23; 24:2,3

I know not. That is, I cannot.

17:5; Ps 12:2,3; Pr 29:5; 1Th 2:5; Ga 1:10

Proverbs 26:28

lying.He that injures another hates him in proportion to the injury; {Proprium humani ingenii est, odisse quem læseris,} says Tacitlus: and strange to say, in proportion to the innocence of the injured.

Joh 8:40,44-49; 10:32,33; 15:22-24

a flattering.

6:24; 7:5,21-23; 29:5; Lu 20:20,21

Proverbs 29:5


7:5,21; 20:19; 26:24,25,28; 2Sa 14:17-24; Job 17:5; Ps 5:9; 12:2

1Th 2:5


1:17; La 1:13; Ho 5:1; Lu 20:20,21; Ro 16:18
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