2 Samuel 15:23

all the country.

Ro 12:15

the brook.The brook Kidron, which is but a few paces broad, runs along the valley of Jehoshaphat, east of Jerusalem, to the south-west corner of the city, and then, turning to the south-east, empties itself into the Dead Sea. Like the Ilissus, it is dry at least nine months in the year, being only furnished with water in the winter, and after heavy rains: its bed is narrow and deep, which indicates that it must formerly have been the channel for waters which have found some other, and probably subterraneous course.


1Ki 2:37; Joh 18:1

Cedron. the wilderness.

16:2; Mt 3:1,3; Lu 1:80

2 Kings 23:6

the grove.Or rather, Asherah, or Astarte.

21:7; Jud 3:7; 1Ki 14:23; 16:33; Jer 17:2

and burned.

Ex 32:20; De 7:25; 9:21

the graves.

10:27; 2Ch 34:4

the children.Probably the common people.

2 Kings 23:12

on the top.

De 22:8; Jer 19:13; Zep 1:5

which Manasseh.

21:5,21,22; 2Ch 33:5,15

brake them down from thence. or, ran from thence. cast.


John 18:1

1 Judas betrays Jesus.

6 The officers fall to the ground.

10 Peter smites off Malchus' ear.

12 Jesus is taken, and led unto Annas and Caiaphas.

15 Peter's denial.

19 Jesus examined before Caiaphas.

25 Peter's second and third denial.

28 Jesus arraigned before Pilate.

36 His kingdom.

40 The Jews prefer Barabbas.


13:31-35; 14:1-17:26


14:31; Mt 26:36; Mr 14:32; Lu 22:39,40

the brook.

2Sa 15:23; 1Ki 15:13; 2Ki 23:6,12; 2Ch 15:16; 30:14; Jer 31:40

Kidron. a garden.

26; Ge 2:15; 3:23
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