2 Samuel 16:21-22

Go in.

Ge 6:4; 38:16

unto thy.

12:11; 15:16; 20:3; Ge 35:22; Le 18:8; 20:11; 1Ki 2:17,22; 1Co 5:1


Ge 34:30; 1Sa 13:4

thy father.

Ge 49:3,4

then shall.

1Sa 27:12

the hands.

2:7; Zec 8:13

the top.


went in.

12:11,12; 15:16; 20:3; Nu 25:6; Isa 3:9; Jer 3:3; 8:12; Eze 24:7

Php 3:19

Isaiah 59:6-15


28:18-20; 30:12-14; Job 8:14,15


30:1; 57:12; 64:6; Ro 3:20-22; 4:6-8; Re 3:17,18

their works.

5:7; Ge 6:11; Ps 58:2; Jer 6:7; Eze 7:11,23; Am 3:10; 6:3

Mic 2:1-3,8; 3:1-11; 6:12; Hab 1:2-4; Zep 1:9; 3:3,4


Pr 1:16; 6:17; Ro 3:15

and they.

3; Jer 22:17; La 4:13; Eze 9:9; 22:6; Mt 23:31-37; Re 17:6

their thoughts.

Pr 15:26; 24:9; Mr 7:21,22; Ac 8:20-22


60:18; Ro 3:16

destruction. Heb. breaking.


Pr 3:17; Lu 1:79; Ro 3:17


14,15; 5:7; Jer 5:1; Ho 4:1,2; Am 6:1-6; Mt 23:23

judgment. or, right.

Ps 58:1,2


Ps 125:5; Pr 2:15; 28:18


48:22; 57:20,21

is judgment.

La 5:16,17; Hab 1:13

we wait.

5:30; Job 30:26; Jer 8:15; 14:19; Am 5:18-20; Mic 1:12; 1Th 5:3


De 28:29; Job 5:14; Pr 4:19; Jer 13:16; La 4:14; Am 8:9

Joh 11:9,10; 12:35,40; 1Jo 2:11

in desolate.

La 3:6


51:20; Ps 32:3,4; 38:8; Ho 7:14


38:14; Job 30:28,29; Jer 8:15; 9:1; Eze 7:16

for salvation.

Ps 85:9; 119:155

our transgressions.

1:4; Ezr 9:6; Jer 3:2; 5:3-9,25-29; 7:8-10; Eze 5:6; 7:23; 8:8-16

Eze 16:51,52; 22:2-12,24-30; 23:2-49; 24:6-14; Ho 4:2; Mt 23:32,33

1Th 2:15,16

our sins.

Jer 14:7; Ho 5:5; 7:10; Ro 3:19,20

we know.

Ezr 9:13; Ne 9:33; Da 9:5-8


32:6; 48:8; 57:11; Ps 78:36; Jer 3:10; 42:20; Eze 18:25; Ho 6:7; 7:13

Ho 11:12; Ac 5:3,4


31:6; Ps 18:21; Jer 2:13,19-21; 3:20; 17:13; 32:40; Eze 6:9; Ho 1:2

Heb 3:12


Jer 5:23; 9:2-5; Mt 12:34-36; Mr 7:21,22; Ro 3:10-18; Jas 1:15; 3:6

4; 5:23; 10:1,2; Ps 82:2-5; Ec 3:16; Jer 5:27,28,31; Am 5:7,11

Mic 3:9-11; 7:3-5; Hab 1:4; Zep 3:1-3


48:1; Ps 5:9; 12:1,2; Jer 5:1,2; 7:28; Ho 4:1,2; Mic 7:2

he that.

Hab 1:13,14; Ac 9:1,23; Ro 8:36; Heb 11:36-38; 1Jo 3:11,12

maketh himself a prey. or, is accounted mad.

2Ki 9:11; Jer 29:26; Ho 9:7; Mr 3:21; Joh 8:52; 10:20; Ac 26:24

2Co 5:13

displeased him. Heb. was evil in his eyes.

Ge 38:10; 2Sa 11:27; 2Ch 21:7; *marg:

Ezekiel 9:4

set a mark. Heb. mark a mark.

Ex 12:7,13; Mal 3:16; 2Co 1:22; Eph 4:30; 2Ti 2:19; Re 7:2,3; 9:4

Re 13:6,7; 14:1; 20:4

that sigh.

6:11; 2Ki 22:13,19,20; Ps 119:53,136; Isa 57:15; Jer 13:17

2Co 12:21; 2Pe 2:8,9

Zephaniah 3:1-3

1 A sharp reproof of Jerusalem for divers sins.

8 An exhortation to wait for the restoration of Israel,

14 and to rejoice for their salvation by God.

her that is filthy. or, gluttonous. Heb. craw.

Le 1:16

to the.

Isa 5:7; 30:12; 59:13; Jer 6:6; 22:17; Eze 22:7,29; Am 3:9; 4:1

Mic 2:2; Zec 7:10; Mal 3:5


De 28:15-68; Ne 9:26; Jer 7:23-28; 22:21; Zec 7:11-14

she received.

Isa 1:5; Jer 2:30; 5:3; Eze 24:13

correction. or, instruction.

Ps 50:17; Pr 1:7; 5:12; Jer 32:33; 35:13,17; Joh 3:18,19

she trusted.

Ps 78:22; Isa 30:1-3; 31:1; Jer 17:5,6

she drew.

Ps 10:4; Isa 29:13; 43:22; Heb 10:22


Job 4:8-11; Ps 10:8-10; Pr 28:15; Isa 1:23; Jer 22:17

Eze 22:6,25-27; Mic 3:1-4,9-11


Jer 5:6; Hab 1:8
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