2 Samuel 20:15

cast up.

2Ki 19:32; Jer 32:24; 33:4; Lu 19:43

a bank.So LXX. generally render {solelah,} by [proschoma or choma;] which latter is described by Potter as "a mount, which was raised so high as to equal, if not exceed, the top of the besieged walls. The sides were walled in with bricks or stones, or secured with strong rafters; the fore part only, being by degrees to be moved near the walls, remained bare."

it stood in the trench. or, it stood against the outmostwall. battered, etc. Heb. marred to throw down.

Ezekiel 21:22

captains. or battering rams. Heb. rams.


to lift.

Ex 32:17,18; Jos 6:10,20; 1Sa 17:20; Job 39:25; Jer 51:14

to appoint.

4:2; Jer 32:24; 33:4; 52:4

Luke 19:43-44

the days.

21:20-24; De 28:49-58; Ps 37:12,13; Da 9:26,27; Mt 22:7; 23:37-39

Mr 13:14-20; 1Th 2:15,16

cast.Or, "cast a bank" or rampart [charax .] This was literally fulfilled when Jerusalem was besieged by Titus; who surrounded it with a wall of circumvallation in three days, though not less than 39 furlongs in circumference; and when this was effected, the Jews were so enclosed on every side, that no person could escape from the city, and no provision could be brought in.

Isa 29:1-4; Jer 6:3-6


1Ki 9:7,8; Mic 3:12

thy children.

13:34,35; Mt 23:37,38


21:6; Mt 24:2; Mr 13:2


42; 1:68,78; La 1:8; Da 9:24; Joh 3:18-21; 1Pe 2:12
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