2 Samuel 20:15-22

cast up.

2Ki 19:32; Jer 32:24; 33:4; Lu 19:43

a bank.So LXX. generally render {solelah,} by [proschoma or choma;] which latter is described by Potter as "a mount, which was raised so high as to equal, if not exceed, the top of the besieged walls. The sides were walled in with bricks or stones, or secured with strong rafters; the fore part only, being by degrees to be moved near the walls, remained bare."

it stood in the trench. or, it stood against the outmostwall. battered, etc. Heb. marred to throw down.

14:2; 1Sa 25:3,32,33; Ec 9:14-18

Hear the words.

14:12; 1Sa 25:24

They were wont, etc. or, They plainly spake in thebeginning, saying, Surely they will ask of Abel, and so make an end.

De 20:10,11


Ge 18:23; Ro 13:3,4; 1Ti 2:2

a mother.

Jud 5:7; Eze 16:45-49


17:16; Nu 16:32; 26:10; Ps 124:3; Jer 51:34,44; La 2:2,5,16

1Co 15:54; 2Co 5:4

the inheritance.

21:3; Ex 19:5,6; De 32:9; 1Sa 26:19

Far be it.

23:17; Job 21:16; 22:18

that I should.

10; Pr 28:13; Jer 17:9; Lu 10:29

a man.

1; Jud 2:9; 7:24; 2Ki 5:22; Jer 4:15; 50:19

by name. Heb. by his name. lifted.

23:18; 1Sa 24:6; 26:9

his head.

17:2,3; 2Ki 10:7; Jud 18:4-8

in her wisdom.

Ec 7:19; 9:14-18

he blew.

1; 2:28; 18:16

retired. Heb. were scattered. And Joab.

3:28-39; 11:6-21; Ec 8:11

2 Kings 6:24-33


17:5; 18:9; 25:1; De 28:52; 1Ki 20:1; 22:31; Ec 9:14

a great famine.

28,29; 7:4; 25:3; 1Ki 18:2; Jer 14:13-15,18; 32:24; 52:6

an ass's head.If the pieces of silver were {drachms,} the whole would amount to about 2£. 9s.; which was a great price for so mean a part of this unclean animal.

Eze 4:13-16

dove's dung.This probably denotes, as Bochart, Scheuchzer, and others suppose, a kind of {pulse,} or {vetches,} which the Arabs still call pigeon's dung. "They never," says Dr. Shaw, (Travels, p. 140), "constitute a dish by themselves, but are strewed singly as a garnish over {cuscasowe, pillowe,} and other dishes. They are besides in the greatest repute after they are parched in pans and ovens; then assuming the name {leblebby;}" and he thinks they were so called from being pointed at one end, and acquiring an ash colour in parching.

Help, my lord.

2Sa 14:4; Isa 10:3; Lu 18:3; Ac 21:28

If the Lord, etc. or, Let not the Lord save thee. whence.

Ps 60:11; 62:8; 118:8,9; 124:1-3; 127:1; 146:3; Isa 2:2; Jer 17:5

What aileth thee.

Ge 21:17; Jud 18:23; 1Sa 1:8; 2Sa 14:5; Ps 114:5; Isa 22:1

Give thy son.

Le 26:29; De 28:53-57; Isa 9:20,21; 49:15; La 4:10; Eze 5:10

Mt 24:18-21; Lu 23:29

next. Heb. other. she hath hid.

1Ki 3:26; Isa 49:15; 66:13

he rent his clothes.

5:7; 19:1; 1Ki 21:27; Isa 58:5-7

God do so.

Ru 1:17; 1Sa 3:17; 14:44; 25:22; 2Sa 3:9,35; 19:13; 1Ki 2:23

if the head.

1Ki 18:17; 19:2; 22:8; Jer 37:15,16; 38:4; Joh 11:50; Ac 23:12,13

the elders.

Eze 8:1; 14:1; 20:1; 33:31

ere the messenger.

12; 5:26

See ye how.

Lu 13:32

son of a murderer.

1Ki 18:4,13,14; 21:10

the sound.

1Ki 14:6

this evil is of the Lord.

Ge 4:13; Ex 16:6-8; 1Sa 28:6-8; 31:4; Job 1:11,21; 2:5,9; Pr 19:3

Isa 8:21; Jer 2:25; Eze 33:10; Mt 27:4,5; 2Co 2:7,11; Re 16:9-11

wait for the.

Ps 27:14; 37:7,9; 62:5; Isa 8:17; 26:3; 50:10; La 3:25,26; Hab 2:3

Lu 18:1

2 Kings 7

1 Elisha prophesies incredible plenty in Samaria.

3 Four lepers, venturing on the host of the Syrians, bring tidings of their flight.

12 The king, finding by spies the news to be true, spoils the tents of the Syrians.

17 The lord who would not believe the prophecy of plenty, having the charge of the gate, is trodden to death in the press.

Elisha said. See on ch.

6:33; 20:16; 1Ki 22:19; Isa 1:10; Eze 37:4


18,19; Ex 8:23; 9:5,6; 14:13; 16:12; Jos 3:5; 1Sa 11:9; Ps 46:5

a measure of fine flour.A {seah} of flour: the {seah} was about two gallons and a half; the shekel 2s. 4d. at the lowest computation: a wide difference between this and the price of the ass's head.

6:25; Re 6:6

of barley.

4:42; Joh 6:9

in the gate of Samaria.From this it appears that the gates were not only used as courts of judicature, but as market-places. So Mr. Morier observes: "In our rides we usually went out of the town at the {Derwazeh Shah Abdul Azeem,} or the gate leading to the village of Shah Abdul Azeem, where a market was held every morning, particularly of horses, mules, asses, and camels. At about sun-rise, the owners of the animals assemble and exhibit them for sale. But besides, here were sellers of all sorts of goods, in temporary shops and tents: and this, perhaps, will explain the custom alluded to in 2 Ki 7:18."

a lord, etc. or, a lord which belonged to the king, leaningon his hand.


if the Lord.

Ge 18:12-14; Nu 11:21-23; Ps 78:19-21,41


Ge 7:11; Mal 3:10

thou shalt see it.

17-20; De 3:27; 2Ch 20:20; Isa 7:9; Ro 3:3; 2Ti 2:13; Heb 3:17-19

four leprous.

5:1; 8:4; Le 13:46; Nu 5:2-4; 12:14


4; Jer 8:14; 27:13

we will enter.

Jer 14:18

let us fall.

1Ch 12:19; Jer 37:13,14

if they save us.

Es 4:16; Jer 8:14; Jon 3:9; Lu 15:17-19

we shall but die.

2Sa 14:14; Heb 9:27

in the twilight.

1Sa 30:17; Eze 12:6,7,12


Le 27:8,26; De 28:7; 32:25,30

the Lord.

3:22,23-27; 19:7; 2Sa 5:24; Job 15:21; Ps 14:5; Jer 20:3,4

Eze 10:5; Re 6:15,16; 9:9

the kings of the Hittites.

1Ki 10:29

the kings of the Egyptians.

2Ch 12:2,3; Isa 31:1; 36:9

they arose.

Job 18:11; Ps 48:4-6; 68:12; Pr 21:1; 28:1; Jer 48:8,9

their horses.

Ps 20:7,8; 33:17; Am 2:14-16

and fled for their life.

Nu 35:11,12; Pr 6:5; Isa 2:20; Mt 24:16-18; Heb 6:18

hid it.

5:24; Jos 7:21; Jer 41:8; Mt 13:44; 25:18

they said one.

3; Hag 1:4,5

this day.

6; Isa 41:27; 52:7; Na 1:15; Lu 2:10; Php 2:4

some mischief will come upon us. Heb. we shall findpunishment.

5:26,27; Nu 32:23; Pr 24:16

the porter.

11; 2Sa 18:26; Ps 127:1; Mr 13:34,35

no man there.






in the city. Heb. in it. they are even.

4; 6:33; Jer 14:18; La 4:9



Es 1:7; Isa 22:24

had cast away.

Job 2:4; Isa 2:20; 10:3; 31:7; Eze 18:31; Mt 16:26; 24:16-18

Php 3:7,8; Heb 12:1

spoiled the tents.

1Sa 17:53; 2Ch 14:12-15; 20:25; Job 27:16,17; Ps 68:12

Isa 33:1,4,23

according to.

1; Nu 23:19; Isa 44:26; Mt 24:35

the lord.


the people trode upon him.

9:33; Jud 20:43; Isa 25:10; Mic 7:10; Heb 10:29

as the man.

1,2; 6:32; Ge 18:14


Nu 20:12; 2Ch 20:20; Job 20:23; Isa 7:9; Jer 17:5,6; Heb 3:18,19
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