2 Samuel 3:24-25

What hast.Joab and his brother Abishai, David's nephews, had been very faithful and highly useful to him in his distresses; and, from gratitude and natural affection, he had inadvertently permitted them to assume almost as much ascendancy over him as Abner had over the pusillanimous Ishbosheth: he trusted and feared them too much, and allowed them all the importance they claimed; which had emboldened them, especially Joab, to a high degree of presumption.

8,39; 19:5-7; Nu 23:11; Joh 18:35

that he came.

27; 2Ki 18:32; *marg:

Joh 7:12,47; Ro 2:1

and to know.

10:3; Ge 42:9,12,16; Nu 27:17; De 28:6; 1Sa 29:4-6; Ps 121:8

Isa 37:28

2 Samuel 3:39

I am.

Ex 21:12; 2Ch 19:6,7; Ps 75:10; 101:8; Pr 20:8; 25:5

weak. Heb. tender.

1Ch 22:5; Isa 7:4; *marg:

Ro 13:4

the sons.

1Ch 2:15,16

too hard.


the Lord.

1Ki 2:5,6,33,34; Ps 7:16; 28:4; 62:12; 2Ti 4:14

Ecclesiastes 10:5-7

an evil.

4:7; 5:13; 6:1; 9:3

as an.

3:16; 4:1

from. Heb. from before.


Jud 9:14-20; 1Ki 12:13,14; Es 3:1; Ps 12:8; Pr 28:12,28

dignity. Heb. heights. the rich.

Jas 2:3-5

Pr 19:10; 30:22

Isaiah 3:5

the people.

9:19-21; 11:13; Jer 9:3-8; 22:17; Eze 22:6,7,12; Am 4:1

Mic 3:1-3,11; Zec 7:9-11; Mal 3:5; Jas 2:6; 5:4


1:4; Le 19:32; 2Ki 2:23; Job 30:1-12


2Sa 16:5-9; Ec 10:5-7; Mt 26:67; 27:28-30; Mr 14:65; Lu 22:64
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