2 Samuel 3:27

took him.

20:9,10; De 27:24; 1Ki 2:5,32

quietly. or, peaceably.

Jer 41:2,6,7

and smote.Joab was afraid that Abner, after rendering such essential service to David, would be made the general of the army; and therefore, under pretence of avenging the death of his brother, he treacherously assassinated the unsuspecting and too-confiding Abner: and such was the power of this cool-blooded and nefarious murderer, that the king dared not bring him to justice for his crime. But, while Joab's conduct cannot be too severely reprobated, the justice of God is apparent in Abner's punishment; who, from ambition, had pertinaciously, against his conscience, opposed the declared will of God; and was induced by base resentment to desert Ish-bosheth, and offer his services to David: see ver. 6-10; 4:6.

for the blood.


2 Samuel 20:9-10

Art thou.

Ps 55:21; Pr 26:24-26; Mic 7:2

took Amasa.Thevenot says, that among the Turks it is a great afront to take one by the beard, unless it be to kiss him, in which case they often do it. D'Arvieux, describing an assembly of Arab emirs at an entertainment, says, "After the usual civilities, caresses, kissings of the beard, and of the hand, which every one gave and received according to his rank and dignity, they sat down upon mats." The doing this by the Arab emirs corresponds with the conduct of Joab, and illustrates this horrid assassination.

to kiss him.

Mt 26:48,49; Lu 22:47,48

in Joab's.

9; Jud 3:21; 1Ch 12:2

he smote.

2:23; 3:27; Ge 4:8; 1Ki 2:5,6,31-34

and shed.

Ac 1:18,19

struck him not again. Heb. doubled not his stroke.

1Sa 26:8

Psalms 28:3


26:9; Nu 16:26; Mt 25:41,46


12:2; 55:21; 62:4; Jer 9:8,9; Mic 3:5; Mt 22:15-18


7:14; 10:7,14; 36:4; 52:1; Pr 26:23-26

Psalms 55:21

The words.

28:3; 57:4; 62:4; 64:3; Pr 5:3,4; 12:18; 26:24-26,28; Mt 26:25

Lu 20:20,21


Joh 13:2

Proverbs 26:24-26

dissembleth. or, is known. deceit.

11:1; 12:5,17,20; 14:8

speaketh fair. Heb. maketh his voice gracious.

Ps 12:2; 28:3; Jer 9:2-8; Mic 7:5


Jer 12:6; Mt 24:23



Whose hatred is covered by deceit. or, Hatred is covered insecret.

Ge 4:8; 1Sa 18:17,21; 2Sa 3:27-30; 13:22-28; Ps 55:21-23

Matthew 26:48-49


2Sa 3:27; 20:9,10; Ps 28:3; 55:20,21


Mr 14:44


27:29,30; Mr 15:18; Joh 19:3

kissed him.[Kataphileo ,] he kissed him affectionately, eagerly, or repeatedly, from [kata ,] intensive, and [phileo ,] to kiss, still pretending the most affectionate attachment to our Lord.

Ge 27:26; 1Sa 10:1; 2Sa 20:9; Pr 27:6; Mr 14:45,46; Lu 7:45

1Th 5:26
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