2 Samuel 3:28-39


Ge 9:6; Ex 21:12; Nu 35:33; De 21:1-9; Mt 27:24

blood. Heb. bloods.

Ge 4:10; *marg:


1:16; Jud 9:24,56,57; 1Ki 2:31-34; Ac 28:4; Re 16:6

let there.

1Sa 2:32-36; 2Ki 5:27; Ps 109:8-19

fail. Heb. be cut off. an issue.

Le 13:44-46; 2Ki 5:1

slew Abner.

Pr 28:17; Ac 28:4



And David.David, intending no doubt to punish Joab, and to lessen his authority with the people, commanded him to take upon him the office of chief mourner; but, as his revenge was gratified, his rival removed, and no heavier punishment inflicted, it is probable his hardened mind would feel but little objection to the ceremony.


1:2,11; Ge 37:29,34; Jos 7:6; Jud 11:35; 2Ki 19:1

bier. Heb. bed.

Lu 7:14


1:12; 18:33; 1Sa 30:4; Job 31:28; Pr 24:17; Lu 19:41,42

as a fool dieth.That is, as a bad man, as the word frequently signifies in Scripture.

13:12,13,28,29; Pr 18:7; Ec 2:15,16; Jer 17:11; Lu 12:19,20

hands.The hand of malefactors were usually secured with cords, and their feet with fetters; a custom to which David affectingly alludes in his lamentation over the dust of Abner. Thy hands, O Abner, were not bound, as found to be a malefactor, nor thy feet put in fetters; thou was treated with honour by him whose business it was to judge thee, and thy attachment to the house of Saul was esteemed rather generous than culpable: as the best of men may fall, so thou fellest by the sword of treachery, not of justice.

Jud 16:21; Ps 107:10,11

wicked men. Heb. children of iniquity.

Job 24:14; Ho 6:9




12:17; Jer 16:7; Eze 24:17,22

So do.

9; Ru 1:17

till the.

1:12; Jud 20:26

pleased them. Heb. was good in their eyes. as.

15:6,13; Ps 62:9; Mr 7:37; 15:11-13


a prince.

12; 2:8; 1Sa 14:50,51; Job 32:9

I am.

Ex 21:12; 2Ch 19:6,7; Ps 75:10; 101:8; Pr 20:8; 25:5

weak. Heb. tender.

1Ch 22:5; Isa 7:4; *marg:

Ro 13:4

the sons.

1Ch 2:15,16

too hard.


the Lord.

1Ki 2:5,6,33,34; Ps 7:16; 28:4; 62:12; 2Ti 4:14

2 Samuel 11:6-21

Send me.

Ge 4:7; 38:18-23; 1Sa 15:30; Job 20:12-14; Pr 28:13; Isa 29:13

Mt 26:70,72,74

how Joab did. Heb. of the peace of Joab.

Ge 29:6; 37:14; 1Sa 17:22

go down.

Ps 44:21; Isa 29:15; Lu 12:2; Heb 4:13


Ge 18:4; 19:2

there followed him. Heb. there went out after him.

Ps 12:2; 55:21

a mess.

Ge 43:34

Job 5:12-14; Pr 21:30


The ark.

7:2,6; 1Sa 4:4; 14:18

my lord.

20:6; Mt 10:24,25; Joh 13:14; 1Co 9:25-27; 2Ti 2:3,4,12

Heb 12:1,2

shall I then.

Isa 22:12-14

as thou livest.

14:19; 1Sa 1:26; 17:55; 20:3; 25:26

Jer 2:22,23,37

made him.

Ge 19:32-35; Ex 32:21; Hab 2:15

with the servants.


wrote a letter.It was resolved in David's breast that Uriah must die--that innocent, valiant, and gallant man, who was ready to sacrifice his life for the honour of his prince; and, worse than all, by being himself made the bearer of letters to Joab which prescribed the mode by which he was to be murdered. This was the greatest treachery and villany on the part of David; while Joab appears to enter as fully upon the execution of the murder, being perhaps pleased to have this opportunity of further enthralling his king, and thus increasing his own power.

1Ki 21:8-10; Ps 19:13; 52:2; 62:9; Jer 9:1-4; 17:9; Mic 7:3-5

Set ye.

17; 1Sa 18:17,21,25; Ps 51:4,14; Jer 20:13

hottest. Heb. strong. from him. Heb. from after him. anddie.


he assigned.

21; 3:27; 20:9,10; 1Sa 22:17-19; 1Ki 2:5,31-34; 21:12-14

2Ki 10:6; Pr 29:12; Ho 5:11; Ac 5:29

there fell.

12:9; Ps 51:14





Jud 9:53


Jud 6:32; 7:1

Jerubbaal. Thy servant.

3:27,34; Ps 39:8; Isa 14:10; Eze 16:51,52

Ecclesiastes 8:11


Ex 8:15,32; Job 21:11-15; Ps 10:6; 50:21,22; Isa 5:18,19; 26:10

Isa 57:11; Jer 48:11; Mt 24:49,50; Ro 2:4,5; 2Pe 3:3-10


Jer 42:15
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