Acts 10:9


8; 11:5-10; 1Sa 9:25; Zep 1:5; Mt 6:6; Mr 1:35; 6:46; 1Ti 2:8

the sixth.

6:4; Ps 55:17; Da 6:10; Mt 20:5; 27:45; Eph 6:18

Acts 10:45


23; 11:3,15-18; Ga 3:13,14

the Gentiles.

Ga 2:15; Eph 2:11; 3:5-8; Col 2:13,14

Acts 15:1

1 Great dissensions arise touching circumcision.

5 The apostles consult about it,

22 and send their determination by letters to the churches.

36 Paul and Barnabas, thinking to visit the brethren together, disagree, and travel different ways.

Cir. A.M. 4057. A.D. 53.


21:20; Ga 2:4,12,13

the brethren.



5; Ro 4:8-12; Ga 5:1-4; Php 3:2,3; Col 2:8,11,12,16


Ge 17:10-27; Le 12:3; Joh 7:22


24; 1Co 7:18,19; Ga 2:1,3; 5:6; 6:13-16

Acts 15:5

rose up certain. or, rose up, said they, certain. the sect.

21:20; 26:5,6; Php 3:5-8

That it.

1,24; Ga 5:1-3

Acts 21:20-23

they glorified.

4:21; 11:18; Ps 22:23,27; 72:17-19; 98:1-3; Isa 55:10-13; 66:9-14

Lu 15:3-10,32; Ro 15:6,7,9-13; Ga 1:24; 2Th 1:10; Re 19:6,7


2:41; 4:4; 6:7; Mt 13:31-33; Joh 12:24


Lu 12:1; *Gr:

and they.

15:1,5,24; 22:3; Ro 10:2; Ga 1:14

that thou.

6:13,14; 16:3; 28:17; Ro 14:1-6; 1Co 9:19-21; Ga 5:1-6; 6:12-15

the multitude.

15:12,22; 19:32

We have.

18:18; Nu 6:2-7

Galatians 2:12-14


9; Ac 21:18-25

he did.

Ac 10:28; 11:3; Eph 2:15,19-22; 3:6

he withdrew.

Isa 65:5; Lu 15:2; 1Th 5:22


Pr 29:25; Isa 57:11; Mt 26:69-75

the other.

Ge 12:11-13; 26:6,7; 27:24; Ec 7:20; 10:1; 1Co 5:6; 8:9; 15:33


Job 15:12; 1Co 12:2; Eph 4:14; Heb 13:9


Ps 15:2; 58:1; 84:11; Pr 2:7; 10:9

the truth.

5; Ro 14:14; 1Ti 4:3-5; Heb 9:10

I said.

11; Le 19:17; Ps 141:5; Pr 27:5,6; 1Ti 5:20

If thou.

12,13; Ac 10:28; 11:3-18


3; 6:12; Ac 15:10,11,19-21,24,28,29
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