Acts 8:14


1; 11:1,19-22; 15:4; 1Th 3:2


2:41; 17:11; Mt 13:23; Joh 12:48; 1Th 2:13; 2Th 2:10


3:1-3; Ga 2:9

Acts 11:1

1 Peter, being accused for going in to the Gentiles,

5 makes his defence;

18 which is accepted.

19 The gospel being spread in Phenice, and Cyprus, and Antioch, Barnabas is sent to confirm them.

26 The disciples there are first called Christians.

27 They send relief to the brethren in Judea in time of famine.

the apostles.

8:14,15; Ga 1:17-22

the Gentiles.

10:34-38; 14:27; 15:3; Ge 49:10; Ps 22:27; 96:1-10; Isa 11:10; 32:15

Isa 35:1,2; 42:1,6; 49:6; 52:10; 60:3; 62:2; Jer 16:19; Ho 2:23

Am 9:11,12; Mic 5:7; Zep 2:11; 3:9; Zec 2:11; 8:20-23; Mal 1:11

Mt 8:11; Mr 16:5; Lu 2:32; Ro 15:7-12

Acts 15:2


7; Ga 1:6-10; 2:5; Jude 1:3

they determined.

25; Ex 18:23; Ga 2:1,2


22,27; 10:23; 11:12


4,22,23; 1Sa 8:7; 1Co 9:19-23; Ga 2:2; Phm 1:8,9

the apostles.

6,23; 21:18; 1Co 1:1; 2Co 11:5

1 Thessalonians 3:6


Ac 18:1,5

and brought.

Pr 25:25; Isa 52:7; 2Co 7:5-7


1Co 13:13; Ga 5:6; Col 1:4; 2Th 1:3; 1Ti 1:5; Phm 1:5; 1Jo 3:23

and that.

1:3; 2:9; 1Co 11:2; Col 4:18; 2Ti 1:3; Heb 13:3,7


9,10; 2:17; Php 1:8
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