Daniel 10:19

O man.

11; 9:23; Joh 11:3,5,36; 15:9-14; 19:26; 21:20

fear not.

12; Jud 6:23; Isa 41:10,14; 43:1,2; Lu 24:36-38; Joh 14:27; 16:33

Re 1:17

be strong.

Jos 1:6,7,9; Isa 35:4; Hag 2:4; Zec 8:9,13; 1Co 16:13; Eph 6:10

2Ti 2:1


1Sa 3:9,10

thou hast.

18; Ps 138:3; 2Co 12:9

Luke 12:14


5:20; 22:58; Ro 2:1,3; 9:20


Ex 2:14; Joh 6:15; 8:11; 18:35,36

Luke 22:58

another.A maid challenged Peter in the second instance, according to Matthew and Mark; yet here it is said [heteros ,] another (man) and he also answers to a man. But [heteros ,] as Wetstein shows, may be, and is in innumerable instances applied to a female; and Matthew says, "she said to them that were there," and Mark, "she began to say to them that stood by." So that the maid gave the information to those around her, and some man charged Peter with it. Probably several joined in the accusation, though he answered to an individual, for John says, "They said unto him," etc.

Mt 26:71,72; Mr 14:69,70; Joh 18:25

Luke 22:60

the cock.

34; Mt 26:74,75; Mr 14:71,72; Joh 18:27

Romans 2:1

1 No excuse for sin.

6 No escape from judgment.

14 Gentiles cannot;

17 nor Jews.



O man.

3; 9:20; 1Co 7:16; Jas 2:20


26,27; 2Sa 12:5-7; Ps 50:16-20; Mt 7:1-5; 23:29-31; Lu 6:37; 19:22

Joh 8:7-9; Jas 4:11

for thou that.

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