Deuteronomy 12:2-6


7:5,25,26; Ex 23:24; 34:12-17; Nu 33:51,52; Jud 2:2

posses. or, inherit.

Nu 22:41; 2Ki 16:4; 17:10,11; 23:13; Jer 3:6; Eze 20:28,29; Ho 4:13

ye shall.

Nu 33:52; Jud 2:2; 2Ch 31:1

overthrow. Heb. break down. and burn.

1Ki 15:13; 2Ki 18:4; 23:14; 2Ch 14:3; 19:3; 34:3; Jer 17:2; Mic 5:14

and destroy.

Ex 23:13; Ps 16:4; Ho 2:17; Zec 13:2; Re 13:1

30,31; 16:21,22; 20:18; Le 20:23

But unto.

11; 16:2; 26:2; Jos 9:27; 18:1; 1Ki 8:16,20,29; 14:21; 1Ch 22:1

2Ch 7:12; Ps 78:68; 87:2,3; Joh 4:20-22; Heb 12:22; Re 14:1


Ex 15:2; 25:22; Nu 7:89; 1Ki 8:27; Ps 132:13,14; Isa 66:1,2

Ac 7:48-50; Eph 2:20-22; Col 2:9

your burnt.

Le 17:3-9; Eze 20:40


17; 14:22-26; 15:19,20; 26:2; Le 27:32,33; Nu 18:15-17; Mal 3:8,10

Lu 11:42; 18:12

Deuteronomy 12:13-14

This was directly opposed to the customs of the heathen idolaters, in offering their sacrifices on the tops of hills and mountains.

6; Le 17:2-5; 1Ki 12:28-32; 15:34; 2Ch 15:17

5,11; Ps 5:7; 9:11; 2Co 5:19; Heb 10:19-22; 13:15

2 Kings 18:4


12:3; 14:4; 15:4,35; Le 26:30; 1Ki 3:2,3; 15:14; 22:43; Ps 78:58

Eze 20:28,29


23:4; De 7:5; 12:2,3; Jud 6:25,28; 1Ki 15:12,13; 2Ch 19:3; 31:1

2Ch 33:3

images. Heb. statues. the brasen serpent.

Nu 21:8,9; Joh 3:14,15

unto those days.


Nehushtan.That is, a piece of brass.

2 Chronicles 30:14


28:24; 34:4,7; 2Ki 18:22; 23:12,13; Isa 2:18-20

the brook.

15:16; 29:16; 2Sa 15:23; Joh 18:1


2 Chronicles 31:1

1 The people is forward in destroying idolatry.

2 Hezekiah orders the courses of the priests and Levites, and provides for their work and maintenance.

5 The people's forwardness in offerings and tithes.

11 Hezekiah appoints officers to dispose of the tithes.

20 The sincerity of Hezekiah.

Now when.


all Israel.

1Ki 18:38-40; 2Ki 23:2-20

present. Heb. found.

Ge 19:15; Es 4:16


14:3; 23:17; 32:12; 34:3-7; Ex 23:24; De 7:5; 2Ki 18:4

images. Heb. statues.


in Ephraim.

30:1,18; 34:6,7; 2Ki 17:2; 18:4; 23:15

until, etc. Heb. until to make an end.

2 Chronicles 32:12

Hath not.

31:1; 2Ki 18:4,22; Isa 36:7

taken away.This was artfully malicious: many of the people had sacrificed to Jehovah on high places, (ch. 31:1;) and Hezekiah had removed them, as incentives to idolatry. Hence Rabshakeh insinuates that by so doing he had offended Jehovah, deprived the people of their religious rights, and that, consequently, he could neither expect the blessing of God, nor the cooperation of the people.

Ye shall worship.

De 12:13,14,26,27

one altar.

4:1; Ex 27:1-8; 30:1-6; 40:26-29; 1Ki 7:48

1 Corinthians 2:15

he that.

3:1; 14:37; Ga 6:1; Col 1:9

judgeth. or, discerneth.

2Sa 14:17; 1Ki 3:9-11; Ps 25:14; Pr 28:5; Ec 8:5; Joh 7:17

Eph 4:13,14; Php 1:10; *Gr:

1Th 5:21; Heb 5:14; 1Jo 4:1


4:5; 2Sa 12:16-23; Ac 15:1-5; 16:3; Ga 2:3-5

judged. or, discerned.
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