Deuteronomy 18:11

or a necromancer.

1Sa 28:11-14

1 Samuel 28:3


25:1; Isa 57:1,2

put away.

9; Ex 22:18; Le 19:31; 20:6,27; De 18:10,11; Ac 16:16-19

Isaiah 19:3

the spirit.This is a prophecy of what took place in Egypt about twenty-two years after the destruction of Sennacherib's army; when, upon the death of Tirhakah, (B.C. 688,) not being able to settle about the succession, they continued for two years in a state of anarchy, confusion, and civil wars; which was followed by the tyranny of twelve princes, who, dividing the country among them, governed it for fifteen years; and at last, by the sole dominion of Psammiticus, which he held for fifty-four years.

1,11-13; 57:16; 1Sa 25:37; Ps 76:12; Jer 46:15; Eze 21:7; 22:14

fail. Heb. be emptied. and I.

14:27; 2Sa 15:31; 17:14,23; 2Ch 25:16-20; Job 5:12,13; Pr 21:30

1Co 3:19,20

destroy. Heb. swallow up.

Ps 107:27; *marg:

and they.

8:19; 15:2; 44:25; 47:12; 1Ch 10:13; Da 2:2; 4:6,7; 5:7

Acts 16:16




18; 8:9-11; Ex 7:11,12; De 13:1-3; 18:9-11; 1Sa 28:7; 1Ch 10:13

Isa 8:19; Ga 5:20; 2Ti 3:8

divination. or, Python. which.

19:24; 1Ti 6:10; 2Pe 2:3; Re 18:11-13
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