Deuteronomy 19:6

the avenger.

Nu 35:12; Jos 20:5; 2Sa 14:7

slay him. Heb. smite him in life. not worthy.

21:22; Jer 26:15,16

in time past. Heb. from yesterday the third day.


Deuteronomy 22:26

no sin.


1 Samuel 26:16

worthy to die. Heb. the sons of death.

20:31; 2Sa 12:5; 19:28; Ps 79:11; 102:20; *margins

Eph 2:3


9,11; 24:6

Matthew 26:66


Le 24:11-16; Joh 19:7; Ac 7:52; 13:27,28; Jas 5:6

Acts 23:29


6-9; 18:15; 24:5,6,10-21; 25:19,20


25:7,8,11,25; 26:31

Acts 25:11

if I.

18:14; Jos 22:22; 1Sa 12:3-5; Job 31:21,38-40; Ps 7:3-5

no man.

16:37; 22:25; 1Th 2:15

I appeal.An appeal to the emperor was the right of a Roman citizen, and was highly respected. The Julian law condemned those magistrates, and others, as violaters of the public peace, who had put to death, tortured, scourged, imprisoned, or condemned any Roman citizen who had appealed to Cesar. This law was so sacred and imperative, that, in the persecution under Trajan, Pliny would not attempt to put to death Roman citizens, who were proved to have turned Christians, but determined to send them to Rome, probably because they had appealed.

10,25; 26:32; 28:19; 1Sa 27:1

Acts 25:25


23:9,29; 26:31; Lu 23:4,14; Joh 18:38

and that.


Augustus.The honourable title of [Sebastos ,] or Augustus, that is venerable or august, which was first conferred by the senate on Octavius Caesar, was afterwards assumed by succeeding Roman emperors.

Acts 26:31

This man.

23:9,29; 25:25; 28:18; 2Sa 24:17; Lu 23:4,14,15; 1Pe 3:16; 4:14-16
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