Deuteronomy 25:13

in thy bag.

Le 19:35,36; Pr 11:1; 16:11; 20:10; Eze 45:10,11; Am 8:5

Mic 6:11,12

divers weights. Heb. a stone and a stone.{Aivenwäaiven;} because weights were anciently made of stone. Hence the expression, a stone weight, which is still in use, though the matter of which it is made be lead or iron, and the name itself shews us that a stone of a certain weight was formerly used.

Deuteronomy 25:15

that thy days.

4:40; 5:16,33; 6:18; 11:9; 17:20; Ex 20:12; Ps 34:12; Eph 6:3

1Pe 3:10

Proverbs 11:1

16:11; 20:10,23; Le 19:35,36; De 25:13-16; Ho 12:7; Am 8:5,6

Mic 6:10,11

a just weight. Heb. a perfect stone.

16:11; Eze 45:10-12

Proverbs 16:11


11:1; 20:10,23; Le 19:35,36; De 25:13-15; Eze 45:10; Ho 12:7

Am 8:5; Mic 6:11

weights. Heb. stones.

Proverbs 20:10

Divers weights, and divers measures. Heb. a stone and astone, an ephah and an ephah.

De 25:13


23; 11:1; 16:11; Le 19:35; De 25:13-15; Am 8:4-7

Mic 6:10,11


De 7:25,26; Re 21:8

Ezekiel 22:12-13

taken gifts.

Ex 23:7,8; De 16:19; 27:25; Isa 1:23; Mic 7:2,3; Zep 3:3,4

thou hast.

18:8,13; Ex 22:25,26; Le 25:35,36; De 23:19; Ne 5:1,7; Ps 15:5


Pr 1:19; Isa 56:11; Mt 23:14,25; Lu 3:13; 18:11; 19:8; 1Co 5:11

1Co 6:10; 1Ti 3:3; 6:9,10; Jas 5:1-4; Jude 1:11

and hast.

23:35; De 32:18; Ps 106:21; Jer 2:32; 3:21

I have.

21:14,17; Nu 24:10

thy dishonest.

27; Pr 28:8; Isa 33:15; Jer 5:26,27; 7:9-11; Am 2:6-8; 3:10; 8:4-6

Mic 2:1-3; 6:10,11; 1Th 4:6

and at.


Amos 8:5-6


Nu 10:10; 28:11-15; 2Ki 4:23; Ps 81:3,4; Isa 1:13; Col 2:16

new moon. or, month. be gone.

Mal 1:13

and the.

Ex 20:8-10; Ne 13:15-21; Isa 58:13; Ro 8:6,7

set forth. Heb. open. making.

Le 19:36; De 25:13-16; Pr 11:1; 16:11; 20:23; Eze 45:10-12

Mic 6:10,11

falsifying the balances by deceit. Heb. perverting thebalances of deceit.

Ho 12:7

4; 2:6; Le 25:39-42; Ne 5:1-5,8; Joe 3:3,6

Micah 6:1

1 God's controversy for ingratitude;

6 for ignorance,

10 for injustice;

16 and for idolatry.


1:2; 1Sa 15:16; Jer 13:15; Am 3:1; Heb 3:7,8

Arise.The manner of raising attention, says Abp. Newcome, in ver. 1, 2, by calling a man to urge his plea in the face of all nature, and on the inanimate creation to hear the expostulation of Jehovah with his people, is truly awakening and magnificent. The words of Jehovah follow in ver. 3-5; and God's mercies having been set before the people, one of them is introduced in a beautiful manner, asking what his duty is towards so gracious a God, ver. 6, 7. The answer follows in the words of the prophet, ver. 8.


De 4:26; 32:1; Ps 50:1,4; Isa 1:2; Jer 22:29; Eze 36:1,8; Lu 19:40

before. or, with.

1:4; Isa 2:12-14


Eze 37:4
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