Deuteronomy 28:1-14

1 The blessings for obedience.

15 The curses for disobedience.

If thou shalt.

11:13; 15:5; 27:1; Ex 15:26; Le 26:3-13; Ps 106:3; 111:10; Isa 1:19

Isa 3:10; 55:2,3; Jer 11:4; 12:16; 17:24; Lu 11:28

to do all.

Ps 119:6,128; Lu 1:6; Joh 15:14; Ga 3:10; Jas 2:10,11

will set.

26:19; Ps 91:14; 148:14; Lu 9:48; Ro 2:7

come on thee.

15,45; Zec 1:6; 1Ti 4:8

in the city.

Ps 107:36,37; 128:1-5; 144:12-15; Isa 65:21-23; Zec 8:3-5

in the field.

Ge 26:12; 39:5; Am 9:13,14; Hag 2:19; Mal 3:10,11

11; 7:13; Ge 22:17; 49:25; Le 26:9; Ps 107:38; 127:3; 128:3; Pr 10:22

Pr 13:22; 20:7; 1Ti 4:8

thy basket.By basket, may be understood the olive-gathering and vintage, in which it was employed; and by the store or remainder, all laid up for future use, or prepared for present consumption.

store. or, dough, or kneading troughs.


31:2; Nu 27:17; 2Sa 3:25; 2Ch 1:10; Ps 121:8

shall cause.

25; 32:30; Le 26:7,8; 2Sa 22:38-41; Ps 89:23

flee before.

Jos 8:22; 10:10,11,42; 1Sa 7:3,4,10,11; 2Ch 14:2-6,9-15; 19:4

2Ch 20:22-25; 31:20,21; 32:21,22


Le 25:21; Ps 42:8; 44:4; 133:3

storehouses. or, barns.

Le 26:4,5,10; 2Ki 6:27; Ps 144:13; Pr 3:9,10; Hag 2:19; Mal 3:10,11

Mt 6:26; 13:30; Lu 12:18,24,25




7:6; 26:18,19; 29:13; Ge 17:7; Ex 19:5,6; Ps 87:5; Isa 1:26; 62:12

2Th 3:3; Tit 2:14; 1Pe 2:9-11; 5:10


7:8; 13:17; 29:12; Ex 19:5,6; Jer 11:5; Heb 6:13-18

And all.

Mal 3:12


Nu 6:27; 2Ch 7:14; Isa 63:19; Da 9:18,19

and they shall.

4:6-8; 11:25; Ex 12:33; 14:25; Jos 5:1; 1Sa 18:12-15,28,29

1Ch 14:17; Jer 33:9; Re 3:9


4; 30:9; Le 26:9; Pr 10:22

in goods. or, for good. body. Heb. belly.

Job 19:17; Ps 132:11; *margins


11:14; Le 26:4; Job 38:22; Ps 65:9-13; 135:7; Joe 2:23,24

to bless all.

14:29; 15:10


44; 15:6; Pr 22:7

the head.

Nu 24:18,19; Isa 9:14,15

if that thou.

1; 4:6-9; Php 1:27

thou shalt.

5:32; 11:16,26-28; Jos 23:6; 2Ki 22:2; Pr 4:26,27

the right.

Isa 30:21

1 Kings 2:3

And keep.

De 29:9; Jos 1:7; 22:5; 1Ch 22:12,13; 28:8,9; 29:19


De 4:1,5,8; 5:1; 6:1,2


De 4:45; Ps 19:7; 119:2,111,138


De 17:18-20; Mal 4:4

that thou.

De 29:9

prosper. or, do wisely.

Jos 1:7,8; *marg:

1Sa 18:5,14,30; 2Ch 31:20,21; Ps 1:2,3; 119:98-100; Pr 3:1-4


2Sa 8:6,14; 2Ki 18:7

1 Kings 3:14

if thou.

2:3,4; 1Ch 22:12,13; 28:9; 2Ch 7:17-19; Ps 132:12; Zec 3:7

as thy.

3; 9:4,5; 15:5; 2Ch 17:3,4; 29:2; 34:2; Ac 13:22

I will lengthen.

De 5:16; 25:15; Ps 21:4; 91:16; Pr 3:2,16; 1Ti 4:8

1 Kings 8:25

keep with thy.

2:4; 2Sa 7:27-29; 1Ch 17:23-27; Lu 1:68-72

There shall not, etc. Heb. There shall not be cut off untothee a man from my sight.

Jer 33:17-26

so that. Heb. only if. thy children.

2:4; 9:4-6; 1Ch 28:9; 2Ch 6:16,17

1 Kings 9:4-9

And if thou.

3:14; 8:25; 11:4,6,38; 14:8; 15:5; Ge 17:1; De 28:1; 2Ch 7:17,18

Job 23:11,12; Ps 15:2; 26:1,11; Pr 20:7; Zec 3:7; Lu 1:6; 1Th 4:1,2

in integrity.

Pr 10:9; 28:18

I will establish.

2:4; 6:12; 8:15,20; 2Sa 7:12,16; 1Ch 22:9,10; Ps 89:28-39

Ps 132:11,12

if ye.

1Sa 2:30; 2Sa 7:14-16; 1Ch 28:9; 2Ch 7:19-22; 15:2


11:4-10; Jos 23:15,16

will I cut.

Le 18:24-28; De 4:26; 29:26-28; 2Ki 17:20-23; 25:9,21; Jer 7:15

Jer 24:9; Eze 33:27-29; Lu 21:24

this house.

3; 2Ki 25:9; 2Ch 7:20; 36:19; Jer 7:4-14; 26:6,18; 52:13; La 2:6,7

Eze 24:21; Mic 3:12; Mt 24:2; Lu 21:24

and Israel.

De 28:37; Ne 4:1-4; Ps 44:14; Isa 65:15; Jer 24:9; La 2:15,16

Joe 2:17


2Ch 7:21; Isa 64:11; Jer 19:8; 49:17; 50:13; Da 9:12


De 29:24-26; Jer 22:8,9,28


De 29:25-28; 2Ch 7:22; Jer 2:10-13,19; 5:19; 16:10-13; 50:7

La 2:16,17; 4:13-15; Eze 36:17-20; Zep 1:4,5


Jer 12:7,8

1 Kings 11:38

if thou wilt.

3:14; 6:12; 9:4,5; Ex 19:5; De 15:5; Zec 3:7

that I will.

De 31:8; Jos 1:5

build the.

14:7-14; 2Sa 7:11,16,26-29; 1Ch 17:10,24-27

1 Chronicles 28:9

know thou.

De 4:35; 1Ki 8:43; Ps 9:10; Jer 9:24; 22:16; 24:7; 31:34; Ho 4:1,6

Joh 8:55; 17:3; Ac 17:23,30; Ro 1:28; 1Co 15:34; 2Co 4:6

the God.

Ge 28:13; Ex 3:16; 15:2; 1Ki 3:6; Ps 18:2; 89:26

serve him.

29:9,17-19; 1Ki 8:61; 2Ki 20:3; 22:2; Job 36:11,12; Ps 101:2

Joh 1:47; 4:24; Ro 1:29; Heb 12:28

a willing mind.

2Co 8:12; 9:7; 1Pe 5:2

the Lord.

29:17; 1Sa 16:7; 1Ki 8:39; Ps 7:9; 139:2; Pr 17:3; Jer 11:20; 17:10

Jer 20:12; Joh 2:25; 21:17; Ac 1:24; Heb 4:13; Re 2:23

the imaginations.

Ge 6:5; 8:21; De 31:21; Ps 139:2; Eze 38:10

if thou seek.

2Ch 15:2; Pr 2:1-6; Isa 45:19; 55:6,7; Jer 29:13; Mt 7:7,8

Jas 4:8-11

if thou forsake.

De 31:16,17; 1Ki 9:6-9; Ezr 8:22; Isa 1:28; Heb 10:38,39

Zechariah 3:7

if thou wilt keep.

Ge 26:5; Le 8:35; 10:3; 1Ki 2:3; 1Ch 23:32; Eze 44:8,15,16; 48:11

1Ti 6:13,14; 2Ti 4:1,2

charge. or, ordinance. judge.

De 17:8-13; 1Sa 2:28-30; Jer 15:19-21; Mal 2:5-7; Mt 19:28

Lu 22:30; 1Co 6:2,3; Re 3:21

I will.

1:8-11; 4:14; 6:5; Lu 20:35,36; Joh 14:2; Heb 12:22,23; Re 5:9-14

places. Heb. walks.

Re 3:4,5
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