Deuteronomy 28:30-33


20:6,7; Job 31:10; Jer 8:10; Ho 4:2


Job 3:18; Isa 5:9,10; 65:21,22; Jer 12:13; La 5:2; Am 5:11

Mic 6:15; Zep 1:13

gather. Heb. profane, or, use it as common meat.

20:6; *marg:


Jud 6:1; Job 1:14,15

be restored to thee. Heb. return to thee.

sons.In several countries, particularly in Spain and Portugal, the children of the Jews have been taken from them, by order of the government, to be educated in the Popish faith.

18,41; Nu 21:29; 2Ch 29:9; Ne 5:2-5; Jer 15:7-9; 16:2-4; Eze 24:25

Joe 3:6; Am 5:27; Mic 4:10


65; Job 11:20; 17:5; Ps 69:3; 119:82,123; Isa 38:14; La 2:11; 4:17

La 5:17

The fruit.

30,51; Le 26:16; Ne 9:36,37; Isa 1:7; Jer 5:17; 8:16

thou shalt be.

29; Jer 4:17

Deuteronomy 28:39-43

for the worms.

Joe 1:4-7; 2:2-4; Jon 4:7

anoint thyself.

Ps 23:5; 104:15; Mic 6:15

thou shalt not enjoy them. Heb. they shall not be thine.for.

32; 2Ki 24:14; La 1:5

thy trees.

38,39; Am 7:1,2

consume. or, possess.

Jud 2:3,11-15; 4:2,3; 10:7-10; 14:4; 15:11,12; 1Sa 13:3-7,19-23

2Ki 17:20,23; 24:14-16; Joh 18:31; 19:15

Isaiah 65:21-22

62:8,9; Le 26:16; De 28:30-33; Jud 6:1-6; Jer 31:4,5; Am 9:14

for as.

9,15; Ge 5:5,27; Le 26:16; Ps 92:12-14; Re 20:3-5

long enjoy. Heb. make them continue long, or, shall wearout.

Jeremiah 8:10

will I.

6:12; De 28:30-32; Am 5:11; Zep 1:13


6:13; Isa 56:10-12; Eze 33:31; Mic 3:5,11; Tit 1:7,11; 2Pe 2:1-3

from the prophet.

5:31; 23:11-17,25,26; 32:32; Isa 28:7; La 4:13; Eze 22:27,28

Lamentations 5:3

Ex 22:24; Jer 18:21; Ho 14:3

Lamentations 5:11

De 28:30; Isa 13:16; Zec 14:2

Zephaniah 1:13

their goods.

9; Isa 6:11; 24:1-3; Jer 4:7,20; 5:17; 9:11,19; 12:10-13; Eze 7:19,21

Eze 22:31; Mic 3:12


De 28:30,39,51; Isa 5:8,9; 65:21,22; Am 5:11; Mic 6:15
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