Deuteronomy 28:63

rejoiced over.

30:9; Isa 62:5; Jer 32:41; Mic 7:18; Zep 3:17; Lu 15:6-10,23,24,32

rejoice over.

Pr 1:26; Isa 1:24; Eze 5:13; 33:11

plucked from.

7:22; *marg:

Jer 12:14,15; 18:7; 24:6; 31:28,40; 42:10; Da 7:8

Psalms 37:3


4:5; 26:1; Isa 1:16-19; 50:10; Jer 17:7,8; 1Co 15:57,58

Heb 6:10-12

so shalt.

Ge 26:2; 1Sa 26:19; Heb 11:13-16

verily. Heb. in truth, or stableness. be fed.

33:19; 34:9,10; Mt 6:31-33; Lu 22:35

Ecclesiastes 3:22


11,12; 2:10,11,24; 5:18-20; 8:15; 9:7-9; 11:9; De 12:7,18; 26:10,11

De 28:47; Ro 12:11,12; Php 4:4,5


6:12; 8:7; 9:12; 10:14; Job 14:21; Da 12:9,10,13; Mt 6:34

Ecclesiastes 9:7-9


Ge 12:19; Mr 7:29; Joh 4:50


2:24-26; 3:12,13; 5:18; 8:15; 10:19; De 12:7,12; 16:14,15; 1Ki 8:66

1Ch 16:1-3; 29:21-23; 2Ch 30:23-27; Ne 8:10-12


Ge 4:4,5; Ex 24:8-11; Lu 11:41; Ac 10:35

thy garments.

2Sa 19:24; Es 8:15; Re 3:4,5; 7:9,13,14; 16:15; 19:8,14

let thy head.

Ru 3:3; 2Sa 14:2; Da 10:3; Am 6:6; Mt 6:17; Lu 7:46

Live joyfully. Heb. See, or Enjoy life. with the wife.

Pr 5:18,19; 18:22; 19:14; Mal 2:15

all the days of the life.

6:12; Ps 39:5; 144:4


2:10,24; 3:13,22; 5:18

Isaiah 64:5


Ex 20:24; 25:22; 29:42,43; 30:6; Heb 4:16


Ps 25:10; 37:4; 112:1; Ac 10:2-4,35; Php 3:13-15

those that.

26:8,9; 56:1-7

thou art wroth.

63:10; Ps 90:7-9

in those.

Ps 103:17; Jer 31:18-20; Ho 6:3; 11:8; Mal 3:6

Luke 11:41


12:33; 14:12-14; 16:9; 18:22; 19:8; De 15:8-10; Job 13:16-20; Ps 41:1

Ps 112:9; Pr 14:31; 19:17; Ec 11:1,2; Isa 58:7-11; Da 4:27; Mt 5:42

Mt 6:1-4; 25:34-40; 26:11; Ac 9:36-39; 10:31,32; 11:29; 24:17

2Co 8:7-9,12; 9:6-15; Eph 4:28; Heb 6:10; 13:16; Jas 1:27; 2:14-16

1Jo 3:16,17

of such things as ye have. or, as you are able. all.

Ac 10:15; Ro 14:14-18; 1Ti 4:4,5; Tit 1:15

Acts 20:35



how that.

Isa 35:3; Ro 15:1; 1Co 9:12; 2Co 11:9,12; 12:13; Eph 4:28; 1Th 4:11

1Th 5:14; Heb 12:12,13; 13:3

It is.

Ps 41:1-3; 112:5-9; Pr 19:17; Isa 32:8; 58:7-12; Mt 10:8; 25:34-40

Lu 14:12-14; 2Co 8:9; 9:6-12; Php 4:17-20; Heb 13:16
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