Deuteronomy 32:41-43


Ps 7:12; Isa 27:1; 34:5,6; 66:16; Eze 21:9-15,20; Zep 2:12

I will.

35; Isa 1:24; 59:18; 66:6; Mr 1:2

them that hate.

5:9; Ex 20:5; Ro 1:30; 8:7; 2Ti 3:4

make mine.

23; Ps 45:5; 68:23; Isa 34:6-8; Jer 16:10; Eze 35:6-8; 38:21,22

revenges.The word {parôth,} rendered revenges, a sense in which it never seems to be used, has rendered this passage very obscure. As the word {paira} signifies the hair of the head, both in Hebrew and Arabic, Mr. Parkhurst and others render {mairosh parôth,} "from the hairy head;" but to have this sense, the words should rather have been {mipparôth rosh,} according the Hebrew idiom. The word {farôu,} in Arabic, however, also denotes a prince or chief; and the words may be literally rendered, with the LXX., [apo kephales archonton echthron,] "from the head of the chiefs of the enemies." The hyperbaton, or transposition of words from their grammatical order, is very observable in this verse; the third member forming a continuation of the first, and the fourth of the second.

Job 13:24; Jer 30:14; La 2:5

Rejoice. or, Praise his people, ye nations; or, Sing ye.O ye nations.

Ge 12:3; 1Ki 8:43; Ps 22:27; Isa 11:10; 19:23,25; Lu 2:10,11,32

Ac 13:47,48; Ro 15:9-13; Re 5:9,10


35; Job 13:24; Jer 13:14; La 2:5; Lu 19:27,43,44; 21:22-24; Ro 12:19

Re 6:10; 15:2,4; 18:2,20; 19:2



will be.

Ps 85:1

Psalms 137:8-9


Isa 47:1-5; Jer 50:42; 51:33; Zec 2:7

who art.

Isa 13:1-22; 14:4-24; 21:1; 47:1; Jer 25:12-14; 50:1-51:64

Re 14:8-11; 17:1-18; 18:6

destroyed. Heb. wasted. happy.

149:6-9; Isa 13:3-5; 44:28; Re 17:5,6,14; 18:6,20

rewardeth. etc. Heb. recompenseth unto thee thy deed whichthou didst unto us.

Jer 50:15-29; Re 18:6

and dasheth.

Isa 13:16; Ho 10:14; 13:16

the stones. Heb. the rock.

Isaiah 51:22-23


1Sa 25:39; Ps 35:1; Pr 22:23; Jer 50:34; 51:36; Joe 3:2; Mic 7:9

I have.

17; 54:7-9; 62:8; Eze 39:29

I will.

49:25,26; Pr 11:8; 21:18; Jer 25:17-29; Zec 12:2; Re 17:6-8,18


Jos 10:24; Ps 65:11,12; Re 11:2; 13:16,17

Jeremiah 50:15


51:14; Jos 6:5,20; Eze 21:22

she hath.

1Ch 29:24; *marg:

2Ch 30:8; *marg:

La 5:6; Eze 17:18

her foundations.


for it.

14,28; 46:10; 51:6,11,36; De 32:35,41,43; Ps 94:1; 149:7; Isa 59:17

Isa 61:2; 63:4; Na 1:2; Lu 21:22; Ro 3:5; 12:19; 2Th 1:8

as she.

29; Jud 1:6,7; 1Sa 15:33; Ps 137:8,9; Mt 7:2; Jas 2:13; Re 16:6

Re 18:6; 19:2

Jeremiah 50:29

the archers.



15; 51:56; Ps 137:8,9; Re 16:6; 18:6

for she hath.

24,32; Ex 10:3; Isa 14:13,14; 37:23; 47:10; Da 4:37; 5:23; 11:36

2Th 2:4; Re 13:5,6

Jeremiah 50:31

I am.

21:13; 51:25; Eze 5:8; 29:3,9,10; 38:3; 39:1; Na 2:13; 3:5

O thou.

29,32; 48:29; 49:16; Job 40:11,12; Da 4:30,31; Hab 2:4,5; Jas 4:6

1Pe 5:5

most proud. Heb. pride. for.


Lamentations 4:22

The punishment of thine iniquity. or, Thine iniquity.

6; *marg:

Isa 40:2; Jer 46:27,28; 50:20

he will no.

Isa 52:1; 60:18; Jer 32:40; Eze 37:28

he will visit.

21; Ps 137:7

discover thy sins. or, carry thee captive for thy sins.
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