Deuteronomy 32:7


Ps 44:1; 77:5; 119:52; Isa 63:11

many generations. Heb. generation and generation.

Ps 10:6; 77:8; *marg:


4:32; Ex 13:14; Jud 6:13; Job 8:8-10; Ps 44:1; 77:5,6,11,12

Ps 78:3,4; Isa 46:9

Psalms 74:12-18


44:4; Ex 19:5,6; Nu 23:21,22; Isa 33:22


Ex 15:2-15; Jud 4:23,24; 1Sa 19:5; Isa 63:8; Hab 3:12-14

divide. Heb. break.

66:6; 78:13; 106:8,9; 136:13-18; Ex 14:21; Ne 9:11; Isa 11:15,16


Ex 14:28; Isa 51:9,10; Eze 29:3

dragons. or, whales.

Eze 32:2


104:25,26; Job 3:8; *marg:

Job 41:1-34; Isa 27:1; Re 20:2


72:9; Ex 12:35,36; 14:30; Nu 14:9


105:41; Ex 17:5,6; Nu 20:11; Isa 48:21


Jos 3:13-17; 2Ki 2:8,14; Isa 11:16; 44:27; Hab 3:9; *marg:

Re 16:12

mighty rivers. Heb. rivers of strength.

The day.

136:7-9; Ge 1:3-5


8:3; 19:1-6; 136:7-9; Ge 1:14-18; Mt 5:45


24:1,2; De 32:8; Ac 17:26

made summer. Heb. made them summer.

Ge 8:22; Ac 14:17


22; 89:50,51; 137:7; Isa 62:6,7; *marg:

Re 16:19

the foolish.

41:1; 39:8; 94:2-8; De 32:27; Isa 37:23,24; Eze 20:14

Psalms 143:5


42:6; 77:5,6,10-12; 111:4; De 8:2,3; 1Sa 17:34-37,45-50

Isa 63:7-14; Mic 6:5

Isaiah 51:9


17; 27:1; Ps 7:6; 44:23; 59:4; 78:65; Hab 2:19


52:1; 59:17; Ps 21:13; 74:13,14; 93:1; Re 11:17

O arm.

5; 53:1; 59:16; 62:8; Lu 1:51; Joh 12:38

as in.

Jud 6:13; Ne 9:7-15; Ps 44:1

Art thou.

Job 26:12; *marg:

Ps 87:4; 89:10

the dragon.

27:1; Ps 74:13,14; Eze 29:3; Hab 3:13; Re 12:9

Isaiah 63:9-15

all their.

Ex 3:7-9; Jud 10:16; Zec 2:8; Mt 25:40,45; Ac 9:4; Heb 2:18; 4:15

the angel.

Ge 22:11-17; 48:16; Ex 14:19; 23:20,21; 33:14; Ho 1:7; 12:3-5

Mal 3:1; Ac 7:30-32,34,35,38; 12:11; 1Co 10:9

in his.

De 7:7,8; Ps 78:38; 106:7-10; Tit 2:14; 1Jo 4:9,10; Re 1:5; 5:9


46:3,4; Ex 19:4; De 1:31; 32:11,12; Lu 15:5

they rebelled.

1:2; 65:2; Ex 15:24; 16:8; 32:8; Nu 14:9-11; 16:1-35; De 9:7,22-24

Ne 9:16,17,26,29; La 1:18,20; Eze 2:3,7; 20:8,13,21


Ps 78:8,40,49,56; 95:9-11; Eze 6:9; Ac 7:51; Eph 4:30

he was.

Ex 23:21; Le 26:17-46; De 28:15-68; 32:19-25; Jer 21:5; 30:14

La 2:4,5; Mt 22:7

he remembered.

Le 26:40-45; De 4:30,31; Ps 25:6; 77:5-11; 89:47-50; 143:5

Lu 1:54,55

Where is he that brought.

15; 51:9,10; Ex 14:30; 32:11,12; Nu 14:13,14-25; Jer 2:6

shepherd. or, shepherds.

Ps 77:20

where is he that put.

Nu 11:17,25,29; Ne 9:20; Da 4:8; Hag 2:5; Zec 4:6


Ex 15:6,13,16; Ps 80:1


Ex 14:21; Jos 3:16; Ne 9:11; Ps 78:13; 114:5-7; 136:13-16

to make.

55:13; Ex 14:16,17; Ro 9:17

Ps 106:9; Hab 3:15

the Spirit.

Jos 22:4; 23:1; Heb 4:8-11

to make.

12; Nu 14:21; 2Sa 7:23; 1Ch 29:13; Ne 9:5; Lu 2:14; Eph 1:6,12


De 26:15; Ps 33:14; 80:14; 102:19,20; La 3:50

the habitation.

57:15; 66:1; 1Ki 8:27; 2Ch 30:27; Ps 113:5,6; 123:1


51:9,10; Ps 89:49

sounding. or, multitude. thy bowels.

9; 49:15; Ps 25:6; *marg:

Jer 31:20; Ho 11:8; Lu 1:78; *marg:

Php 2:1; 1Jo 3:17


Ps 77:7-9

Micah 7:14-15

Feed. or, Rule.

5:4; *marg:

Ps 23:1-4; 28:9; 95:7; 100:3; Isa 40:11; 49:10; Mt 2:6; *marg:

Joh 10:27-30


Ex 33:16; Nu 23:9; De 33:28; Joh 17:16

in the midst.

Isa 35:2; 37:24; 65:10; Jer 50:19,20; Eze 34:13,14; Zep 3:13


Ps 77:5-11; 143:5; La 1:7; 5:21; Am 9:11; Mal 3:4

Ps 68:22; 78:12-72; Isa 11:16; 51:9; 63:11-15; Jer 23:7,8
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