Deuteronomy 4:29-30

But if.

30:10; Le 26:39-42; 2Ch 15:4,15; Ne 1:9; Isa 55:6,7; Jer 3:12-14

Jer 29:12-14

with all.

30:1-3; 1Ki 8:47,48; 2Ki 10:31; 23:3; 2Ch 15:12; 31:21; Ps 119:2,10

Ps 119:58,145; Jer 3:10; Joe 2:12

all these.

1Ki 8:46-53; 2Ch 6:36-39; Da 9:11-19

are come upon thee. Heb. have found thee.

31:17; Ex 18:8; *marg:

in the latter.

31:29; Ge 49:1; Nu 24:20; Jer 23:20; Da 10:14; Ho 3:5; Heb 1:2

if thou.

30:10; La 3:40; Ho 14:2,3; Joe 2:12,13; Ac 3:19; 26:20


Isa 1:19; Jer 7:23; Zec 6:15; Heb 5:9

1 Kings 8:47-48

Yet if they.

Le 26:40-45; De 4:29-31; 30:1,2; 2Ch 6:37; 33:12,13; Eze 16:61,63

Eze 18:28; Hag 1:7; Lu 15:17

bethink themselves. Heb. bring back to their heart. saying.

Ezr 9:6,7; Ne 1:6-11; 9:26-30; Ps 106:6; Isa 64:6-12; Da 9:5-11

Zec 12:10

done perversely.

Job 33:27,28; Jer 31:18-20; Lu 15:18

And so return.

De 4:29; 6:5,6; Jud 10:15,16; 1Sa 7:3,4; Ne 1:9; Ps 119:2,10,145

Pr 23:26; Isa 55:6,7; Jer 3:10; 24:7; 29:12-14; Da 9:13; Ho 14:1,2

Ac 8:37; Ro 10:10

pray unto.

29,30; Da 6:10

the city.


2 Chronicles 33:12-13

And when.

28:22; Le 26:39-42; De 4:30,31; Jer 31:18-20; Ho 5:15; Mic 6:9

Lu 15:16-18

he besought.

18,19; Ps 50:15; Ac 9:11

the Lord.



19,23; 32:26; Ex 10:3; Lu 18:14,15; Jas 4:10; 1Pe 5:5,6

he was intreated.

1Ch 5:20; Ezr 8:23; Job 22:23,27; 33:16-30; Ps 32:3-5; 86:5

Isa 55:6-9; Jer 29:12,13; Mt 7:7,8; Lu 23:42,43; Joh 4:10

brought him.

Ezr 7:27; Pr 16:7; 21:1; Mt 6:33


De 29:6; Ps 9:16; 46:10; Jer 24:7; Da 4:25,34,35; Joh 17:3

Heb 8:11

Isaiah 55:6-7


45:19; 1Ch 28:9; 2Ch 19:3; Job 8:5; Ps 14:2; 27:8; 32:6; 95:7

Jer 29:12-14; Am 5:6; Mt 5:25; 7:7,8; 25:11,12; Lu 13:25

Joh 7:33,34; 8:21; 12:35,36; 2Co 6:1,2; Heb 2:3; 3:13

while he is near.

12:6; 46:13; De 4:7; Ps 75:1; 145:18; 148:14; Eze 8:6; Eph 3:13

the wicked.

1:16-18; 2Ch 7:14; Pr 28:13; Jer 3:3; 8:4-6; Eze 3:18,19

Eze 18:21-23,27-32; 33:11,14-16; Ho 14:1,2; Jon 3:10; Mt 9:13

Lu 15:10,24; Ac 3:19; 26:20; 1Co 6:9-11; Jas 4:8-10

unrighteous man. Heb. man of iniquity. his thoughts.

Ge 6:5; Ps 66:18; Jer 4:14; Zec 8:17; Mt 15:18,19; 23:25,26

Mr 7:21,23; Lu 11:39,40; Ac 8:21,22; Jas 1:15


43:25; 44:22; Ex 34:6,7; Nu 14:18,19; Ps 51:1; 130:7; Jer 3:12,13

Lu 7:47; Ro 5:16-21; Eph 1:6-8; 1Ti 1:15,16

abundantly. Heb. multiply to.

Amos 5:6


4; Eze 33:11


Ex 22:6

the house.

6:6; Ge 48:8-20; Jos 18:5; Jud 1:22,23; 2Sa 19:20; 1Ki 11:28

Eze 37:19; Zec 10:6


Isa 1:31; Jer 4:4; 7:20; Eze 20:47,48; Mr 9:43-48

Acts 9:11


8:26; 10:5,6; 11:13


30; 11:25; 21:39; 22:3


2:21; 8:22; De 4:29; 2Ch 33:12,13,18,19; Job 33:18-28; Ps 32:3-6

Ps 40:1,2; 50:15; 130:1-3; Pr 15:8; Isa 55:6,7; Jer 29:12,13

Jer 31:18-20; Jon 2:1-4; Zec 12:10; Mt 7:7,8; Lu 11:9,10; 18:7-14

Lu 23:42,43; Joh 4:10
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