Deuteronomy 4:35


1Sa 17:45-47; 1Ki 18:36,37; 2Ki 19:19; Ps 58:11; 83:18

none else.

32:23; Ex 15:11; 1Sa 2:2; Isa 44:6,8; 45:5,18,22; Mr 12:29,32

1Jo 5:20,21

Deuteronomy 4:39

and consider.

32:29; 1Ch 28:9; Isa 1:3; 5:12; Ho 7:2

the Lord.

35; Jos 2:11; 1Ch 29:11; 2Ch 20:6; Ps 115:3; 135:6; Da 4:35

Deuteronomy 32:39

I, even I.

Ps 102:27; Isa 41:4; 45:5,18,22; 46:4; 48:12; Heb 1:12; Re 1:11; 2:8

no god.

4:35; Isa 45:5,18,22

I kill.

1Sa 2:6; 2Ki 5:7; Job 5:18; Ps 68:20; Isa 43:13; Ho 6:1; Joh 8:24

Re 1:17,18


Job 10:7; Ps 50:22; Isa 43:13; Mic 5:8

1 Samuel 2:2

none holy.

Ex 15:11; De 32:4; Ps 99:5,9; 111:9; Isa 6:3; 57:15; 1Pe 1:16

Ro 4:8; 15:4

none beside.

De 4:35; 2Sa 22:32; Ps 73:25; Isa 43:10,11; 44:6,8


De 3:24; 32:20,31,39; Ps 18:2; 71:3,19; 86:8; 89:6,8; Isa 40:18

Jer 10:6

2 Samuel 22:32

For who.

De 32:31,39; 1Sa 2:2; Isa 44:6,8; 45:5,6,21; Jer 10:6,7,16

a rock.


Isaiah 44:6

the King.

33:22; 43:15; Mal 1:14; Mt 25:34; 27:37

his redeemer.

24; 41:14; 43:1,14; 48:17; 54:5; 59:20; Jer 50:34

I am the first.

41:4; 48:12; Re 1:8,11,17,18; 2:8; 22:13


8; 37:16,20; 42:8; 43:10,11; 45:6,21,22; De 4:35,39; 6:4; 32:39

1Ti 3:16

Isaiah 45:5-6

the Lord.

14-18,21,22; 44:8; 46:9; De 4:35,39; 32:39; 1Ki 8:60; Joe 2:27

Joh 1:1; Heb 1:8,9

I girded thee.

22:21; Ezr 1:2; Job 12:18,21; Ps 18:32,39

37:20; 1Sa 17:46,47; Ps 46:10; 83:18; 102:15,16; Eze 38:23; 39:21

Mal 1:11

Isaiah 46:9

the former.

42:9; 65:17; De 32:7; Ne 9:7-37; Ps 78:1-72; 105:1-106:48; 111:4

Jer 23:7,8; Da 9:6-15

I am God.


and there is none like.

5; De 33:26

John 1:1

1 The divinity, humanity, office, and incarnation of Jesus Christ.

15 The testimony of John.

39 The calling of Andrew, Peter, etc.

the beginning.

2; Ge 1:1; Pr 8:22-31; Eph 3:9; Col 1:17; Heb 1:10; 7:3; 13:8

Re 1:2,8,11; 2:8; 21:6; 22:13

the Word.

14; 1Jo 1:1,2; 5:7; Re 19:13


18; 16:28; 17:5; Pr 8:22-30; 1Jo 1:2

the Word was.

10:30-33; 20:28; Ps 45:6; Isa 7:14; 9:6; 40:9-11; Mt 1:23; Ro 9:5

Php 2:6; 1Ti 3:16; Tit 2:13; Heb 1:8-13; 2Pe 1:1; *Gr:

1Jo 5:7,20
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