Deuteronomy 4:35


1Sa 17:45-47; 1Ki 18:36,37; 2Ki 19:19; Ps 58:11; 83:18

none else.

32:23; Ex 15:11; 1Sa 2:2; Isa 44:6,8; 45:5,18,22; Mr 12:29,32

1Jo 5:20,21

Deuteronomy 4:39

and consider.

32:29; 1Ch 28:9; Isa 1:3; 5:12; Ho 7:2

the Lord.

35; Jos 2:11; 1Ch 29:11; 2Ch 20:6; Ps 115:3; 135:6; Da 4:35

Deuteronomy 6:4

{Shema Yisraêl, Yehowah, Elohainoo, Yehowah aichod,} "Hear, Israel, Jehovah, our God,is one Jehovah." On this passage the Jews lay great stress; and it is one of the four passages which they write on their phylacteries: On the word {Elohim,} Simeon Ben Joachi says: "Come and see the mystery of the word {Elohim:} there are three degrees, and each degree is by itself alone, and yet they are all one, and joined together in one, and are not divided from each other."

the Lord,

4:35,36; 5:6; 1Ki 18:21; 2Ki 19:5; 1Ch 29:10; Isa 42:8; 44:6,8

Isa 45:5,6; Jer 10:10,11; Mr 12:29-32; Joh 17:3; 1Co 8:4-6

1Ti 2:5

Deuteronomy 32:39

I, even I.

Ps 102:27; Isa 41:4; 45:5,18,22; 46:4; 48:12; Heb 1:12; Re 1:11; 2:8

no god.

4:35; Isa 45:5,18,22

I kill.

1Sa 2:6; 2Ki 5:7; Job 5:18; Ps 68:20; Isa 43:13; Ho 6:1; Joh 8:24

Re 1:17,18


Job 10:7; Ps 50:22; Isa 43:13; Mic 5:8

Isaiah 37:16


6:3; 8:13; 2Sa 7:26; Ps 46:7,11


Ex 25:22; 1Sa 4:4; Ps 80:1; 99:1; Heb 4:16

thou art.

20; 43:10,11; 44:6; 45:22; 54:5; 1Ki 18:32; 2Ki 5:15; Ps 86:10

Re 11:15-17

thou hast.

40:28; 44:24; Ge 1:1; Ps 146:6; Jer 10:10-12; Joh 1:3; Col 1:16

Isaiah 37:20

that all.

42:8; Ex 9:15,16; Jos 7:8,9; 1Sa 17:45-47; 1Ki 8:43; 18:36,37

Ps 46:10; 59:13; 67:1,2; 83:17,18; Eze 36:23; Mal 1:11



Isaiah 42:8

that is.

Ex 3:13-15; 4:5; Ps 83:18; Joh 8:58

my glory.

48:11; Ex 20:3-5; 34:14; Joh 5:23

Isaiah 43:10-11

my witnesses.

12; 44:8; Joh 1:7,8; 15:27; Ac 1:8; 1Co 15:15

and my servant.

42:1; 55:4; Php 2:7; Col 1:7; Re 1:2,5; 3:14

that ye.

40:21,22; 41:20; 45:6; 46:8,9; Joh 20:31

I am he.

41:4; 44:6-8

no God formed. or, nothing formed of God.

3; 12:2; 45:21,22; De 6:4; Ho 1:7; 13:4; Lu 1:47; 2:11; Joh 10:28-30

Ac 4:12; Tit 2:10,13; 3:4-6; 2Pe 3:18; 1Jo 4:14; 5:20,21; Jude 1:25

Re 1:11,17,18; 7:10-12

Isaiah 44:8


2; 41:10-14; Pr 3:25,26; Jer 10:7; 30:10,11; Joh 6:10

have declared.

42:9; 48:5; Ge 15:13-21; 28:13-15; 46:3; 48:19; 49:1-28; Le 26:1-46

De 4:25-31; 28:1-68

ye are.

43:10,12; Ezr 1:2; 8:22; Da 2:28,47; 3:16-28; 4:25; 5:23-30; 6:22

Ac 1:8; 14:15; 17:23-31; Heb 12:1; 1Jo 1:2

Is there.

6; 45:5,6; 46:9; De 4:35,39; 32:39; 1Sa 2:2; 2Sa 22:32; Joh 1:1

Joh 10:30

no God. Heb. no rock.

De 32:4,31; Ps 18:31

Isaiah 45:6

37:20; 1Sa 17:46,47; Ps 46:10; 83:18; 102:15,16; Eze 38:23; 39:21

Mal 1:11

Isaiah 45:21-22

Tell ye.

Ps 26:7; 71:17,18; 96:10; Jer 50:2; Joe 3:9-12

and bring.


who hath declared.

41:22,23; 43:9; 44:7,8; 46:9,10; 48:3,14

and there is.

5,14,18; 44:8

a just.

25; 43:3,11; 63:1; Jer 23:5,6; Zep 3:5,17; Zec 9:9; Ro 3:25,26

Tit 2:13,14


Nu 21:8,9; 2Ch 20:12; Ps 22:17; 65:5; Mic 7:7; Zec 12:10

Joh 3:13-16; 6:40; Heb 12:2


21; Joh 10:28-30; Tit 2:13; 2Pe 1:1
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