Deuteronomy 6:10-12


Ge 13:15-17; 15:18; 26:3; 28:13


Jos 24:13; Ne 9:25; Ps 78:55; 105:44

when thou.

7:12-18; 8:10-20; 32:15; Jud 3:7; Pr 30:8,9; Jer 2:31,32

Eze 16:10-20; Mt 19:23,24

bondage. Heb. bondmen, or servants.


Deuteronomy 8:7

6:10,11; 11:10-12; Ex 3:8; Ne 9:24,25; Ps 65:9-13; Eze 20:6

Joshua 11:13

in their. Heb. on their heap.The Vulgate, Syriac, Onkelos and Waterland render {âl tillom,} "on their hills." As the cities of the plain might be easily attacked and carried, Joshua destroyed them; but as those on mountains, hills, or other eminences, might be retained by him with little trouble, prudence would dictate their preservation.

Jer 30:18

Proverbs 13:22


Ge 17:7,8; Ps 25:12,13; 102:28; 112:2; 128:6

the wealth.

28:8; Job 27:16,17; Ec 2:26
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