Deuteronomy 7:26


13:17; Le 27:28,29; Jos 6:17-24; 7:1-25,11-26; Eze 14:7

Hab 2:9-11; Zec 5:4

but thou shalt.

Isa 2:20; 30:22; Eze 11:18; Ho 14:8; Ro 2:22

Joshua 7:24-25

took Achan.

1; Job 20:15; Pr 15:27; Ec 5:13; Eze 22:13,14; 1Ti 6:9,10

his sons.

6:18,21; Ge 18:25; Ex 20:5; Nu 16:27-31; Job 20:23-28

the valley.

26; 15:7; Isa 65:10; Ho 2:15

Why hast.

11-13; 6:18; Ge 34:30; 1Ki 18:17,18; 1Ch 2:7; Hab 2:6-9; Ga 5:12

2Th 1:6; Heb 12:15

all Israel.

Le 20:2; 24:14; De 13:10; 17:5; 21:21; 22:21-24


15; Ge 38:24; Le 20:14; 21:9

2 Kings 5:26-27

he said.

Ps 63:11; Pr 12:19,22; Ac 5:9


6:12; 1Co 5:3; Col 2:5

Is it a time.

16; Ge 14:23; Ec 3:1-8; Mt 10:8; Ac 20:33,35; 1Co 9:11,12

2Co 11:8-12; 2Th 3:8,9


1; Jos 7:25; Isa 59:2,3; Ho 10:13; Mal 2:3,4,8,9; Mt 27:3-5

Ac 5:5,10; 8:20; 1Ti 6:10; 2Pe 2:3

unto thy seed.

1Sa 2:30-36; 2Sa 3:29

a leper.

15:5; Ex 4:6; Nu 12:10

Daniel 5:17

Let.Daniel, on this occasion, behaved in a very different manner to Belshazzar, than he had formerly done to Nebuchadnezzar. Belshazzar had that very night insulted the God of heaven in the most daring manner; and the venerable prophet, as His delegate, denounced sentence against him.

29; Ge 14:23; 2Ki 3:13; 5:16,26; Ac 8:20

rewards. or, fee.


I will read.

Ps 119:46

Habakkuk 2:9-10

that coveteth an evil covetousness. or, that gaineth an evilgain.

Ge 13:10-13; 19:26-38; De 7:25,26; Jos 7:21-26; 1Ki 21:2-4,19-24

2Ki 5:20-27; Job 20:19-28; Jer 22:13-19; Zec 5:1-4; Ac 1:17-25

Jude 1:11


Ps 10:3-6; 49:11; 52:7; Pr 18:11,12; Isa 28:15; 47:7-9; Jer 49:16

Ob 1:4

power of evil. Heb. palm of the hand.


2Ki 9:26; 10:7; Isa 14:20-22; Jer 22:30; 36:31; Na 1:14; Mt 27:25


Nu 16:38; 1Ki 2:23; Pr 1:18; 8:36; Isa 33:11

Acts 1:18


Mt 27:3-10


Nu 22:7,17; Jos 7:21-26; 2Ki 5:20-27; Job 20:12-15; Mt 25:15

2Pe 2:15,16

and falling.

Ps 55:15,23; Mt 27:5
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