Deuteronomy 8:2


7:18; Ps 77:11; 106:7; Eph 2:11,12; 2Pe 1:12,13; 3:1,2

led thee.

1:3,33; 2:7; 29:5; Ps 136:16; Am 2:10

to humble.

2Ch 32:25,26; 33:12,19; Job 33:17; 42:5,6; Isa 2:17; Lu 18:14

Jas 4:6,10; 1Pe 5:5,6

prove thee.

16; 13:3; Ge 22:1; Ex 15:25; 16:4; 2Ch 32:31; Ps 81:7; Pr 17:3

Mal 3:2,3; Jas 1:3; 1Pe 1:7

to know.

Jer 17:9,10; Joh 2:25; Re 2:23

Job 1:11-12

But put.

12; 2:5; Isa 5:25


4:5; 19:21; Ge 26:11; Ps 105:15; Zec 2:8

and he will curse thee. Heb. if he curse thee not.

5,21; 2:9; Isa 8:21; Mal 3:13,14; Re 16:9,11,21


1Ki 22:23; Lu 8:32; 22:31,32; Joh 19:11; 2Co 12:7

power. Heb. hand.

Ge 16:6; Jer 38:5; Joh 3:35,36


2:4-6; Ps 76:10; Isa 27:8; 1Co 10:13

So Satan.

2:7; Lu 8:33

Job 2:5-6

put forth.

1:11; 19:20,21; 1Ch 21:17; Ps 32:3,4; 38:2-7; 39:10

He will curse.

9; 1:5,11; Le 24:15; Isa 8:21



but. or, only. save.

38:10,11; Ps 65:7; Lu 8:29-33; 22:31,32; 1Co 10:13; Re 2:10

Re 20:1,2,7

his life.By {naphsho,} "his soul," Maimonides understands "his mind," or intellectual powers.

Psalms 17:3


11:5; 26:2; 66:10; 139:1; Job 23:10; Zec 13:9; Mal 3:2; 1Co 4:4

1Pe 1:7

thou hast.

16:7; Job 24:14; Ho 7:6; Mic 2:1; Ac 16:9; 18:9,10


7:4; 44:17-21; 1Sa 24:10,12; 26:11,23; 2Co 1:12

I am.

39:1; 119:106; Pr 13:3; Ac 11:23; Jas 3:2

Psalms 66:10

hast proved us.

17:3; De 8:2,16; 13:3


Pr 17:3; Isa 48:10; Zec 13:9; 1Pe 1:6,7

Proverbs 17:3

27:21; Ps 26:2; 66:10; Isa 48:10; Jer 17:10; Zec 13:9; Mal 3:2,3

1Pe 1:7; Re 2:23

Zechariah 13:9


Ps 66:10-12; Isa 43:2; 1Co 3:11-13; 1Pe 4:12


Job 23:10; Pr 17:3; Isa 48:10; Mal 3:2,3; Jas 1:12; 1Pe 1:6,7

they shall call.

10:6; 12:10; Ps 34:15-19; 50:15; 91:15; Isa 58:9; 65:23,24

Jer 29:11,12; Ho 2:21-23; Joe 2:32; Ac 2:21; Ro 10:12-14

It is my people.

8:8; Le 26:12,44,45; De 26:17-19; Ps 144:15; Isa 44:1-6; Jer 30:22

Jer 31:33; 32:38; Eze 11:20; 36:28; 37:27; Ho 2:23; Mt 22:29-32

Heb 8:10; Re 21:3,4,7

Malachi 3:2-3

who may abide.

4:1; Am 5:18-20; Mt 3:7-12; 21:31-44; 23:13-35; 25:10; Lu 2:34

Lu 3:9,17; 7:23; 11:37-47,52-54; 21:36

Joh 6:42-44; 8:41-48,55; 9:39-41; 15:22-24; Ac 7:52-54; Ro 9:31-33

Ro 11:5-10; Heb 10:28,29; 12:25; 1Pe 2:7,8; Re 1:6,7; 6:17


Isa 4:4; Zec 13:9; Mt 3:10-12; 1Co 3:13-15; Re 2:23

like fullers'.

Ps 2:7; Isa 1:18; Jer 2:22; Mr 9:3; Re 1:5; 7:14; 19:8


Ps 66:10; Pr 17:3; 25:4; Isa 1:25; 48:10; Jer 6:28-30; Eze 22:18-22

Da 12:10; Zec 13:9; Lu 3:16; Eph 5:26,27; Tit 2:14; Heb 12:10

1Pe 1:7; 4:12,13; Re 3:18

the sons.

1:6-10; 2:1-8; Isa 61:6; 66:19-21; Jer 33:18-22; Eze 44:15,16

Re 1:6; 5:10


1:11; Ps 4:5; 50:14,23; 69:30,31; 107:21,22; 116:17; 141:1,2; Ho 14:2

Joh 4:23,24; Ro 12:1; 15:16; Php 2:17; 4:18; 2Ti 4:6; Heb 13:15,16

1Pe 2:5,9
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