Ecclesiastes 3:1

1 By the necessary change of times, vanity is added to human travail.

11 There is an excellency in God's works.

16 But as for man, God shall judge his works hereafter, though here he be like a beast.

every thing.

17; 7:14; 8:5,6; 2Ki 5:26; 2Ch 33:12; Pr 15:23; Mt 16:3


1:13; 2:3,17

Jeremiah 29:10-11


25:12; 27:7,22; 2Ch 36:21-23; Ezr 1:1,2; Da 9:2; Zec 7:5

I will.

24:6,7; 32:42-44; Zep 2:7

I know.

Job 23:13; Ps 33:11; 40:5; Isa 46:10,11; 55:8-12; Mic 4:12; Zec 1:6

Zec 8:14,15


3:12-19; 30:18-22; 31:1-33:26; Isa 40:1-46:13; Eze 34:11-31

Eze 36:1-37:28; 39:1-29; Ho 2:14-23; 3:5; 14:2-9; Joe 2:28-32

Am 9:8-15; Mic 5:4-7; 7:14-20; Zep 3:14-20; Zec 9:9-17; 12:5-10

Zec 14:20,21; Re 14:8-14

expected end. Heb. end and expectation.

La 3:26

Daniel 11:40

at the.

35; 8:17; 12:4

the king of the south. The Saracens.

5,6; Eze 38:14-18

the king of the north. The Turks. like.

Isa 5:28; 21:1; 66:15; Jer 4:13; Zec 9:14

with horsemen.

Eze 38:4,15; Re 9:16; 16:12



Daniel 12:4


8:26; Re 10:4; 22:10

to the.

9; 8:17; 10:1; 11:40


11:33; Isa 11:9; 29:18,19; 30:26; 32:3; Zec 14:6-10; Mt 24:14

Ro 10:18; Re 14:6,7

Daniel 12:9




4; 8:26; Isa 8:16; 29:11; Re 10:4

Daniel 12:11-13

the time.

8:11,12,26; 11:31

the abomination. Heb. to set up the abomination, etc.Probably Mohammedanism, which sprang up in power the same year as the papal, A.D. 606; and 1,290 years from that time will be A.D. 1896, and 1,335 years A.D. 1941.

8:13; 9:27; 11:31; Mt 24:15; Mr 13:14; Re 11:2

maketh desolate. or, astonisheth. a thousand.

1:12; 7:25; 8:14; Re 11:2; 12:6; 13:5

Ro 11:15; Re 20:4



for thou. or, and thou, etc. rest.

3; Isa 57:1; Zec 3:7; Mt 19:28; Lu 2:29,30; 2Co 5:1; 2Th 1:7

2Ti 4:7,8; Re 14:13


Ps 1:5; Lu 21:36; Jude 1:14,15

Acts 1:7


17:26; De 29:29; Da 2:21; Mt 24:36; Mr 13:32; Lu 21:24; Eph 1:10

1Th 5:1,2; 1Ti 6:15; 2Ti 3:1


Mt 20:23; Mr 10:40

1 Thessalonians 5:1

1 He proceeds in the former description of Christ's coming to judgment;

16 and gives divers precepts;

23 and so concludes the epistle.

the times.

Mt 24:3,36; Mr 13:30-32; Ac 1:7


4:9; 2Co 9:1; Jude 1:3

2 Peter 3:7-8

the heavens.

10; Ps 50:3; 102:26; Isa 51:6; Zep 3:8; Mt 24:35; 25:41; 2Th 1:8

Re 20:11; 21:1


2:9; Mt 10:15; 11:22,24; 12:36; Mr 6:11; 1Jo 4:17

and perdition.

Ro 2:5; Php 1:28; 2Th 2:3; 1Ti 6:9; Re 17:8,11

be not.

Ro 11:25; 1Co 10:1; 12:1

that one.

Ps 90:4
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