Esther 4:11

shall come.Herodotus informs us, that ever since the reign of Deioces, king of Media, for the security of the king's person, it was enacted that no one should be admitted into his presence; but that if any one had business with him, he should transact it through the medium of his ministers.

the inner court.


one law.

Da 2:9

the king shall.

5:2; 8:4

the golden sceptre.That the kings of Persia carried a golden sceptre, we have the following proof in Xenophon: [Hoti ou tode to chrysoun skeptron to men basileian diasozon estin, all hoi pistoi philoi skeptron basileusin alethestaton kai asphalestaton.] "It is not (said Cyrus to his son Cambyses) the golden sceptre that saves the kingdom; but faithful friends are the truest and best sceptre of the kingdom."

but I.

1:19; 2:14; 1Pe 3:7

Esther 5:1

1 Esther, adventuring on the king's favour, obtains the grace of the golden sceptre, and invites the king and Haman to a banquet.

6 She, being encouraged by the king in her suit, invites them to another banquet the next day.

9 Haman, proud of his advancement, repines at the contempt of Mordecai.

14 By the counsel of Zeresh he prepares for him a gallows.

on the.

4:16; Mt 27:64


1:11; 8:15; Mt 10:16; 11:8; 1Pe 3:3-5


4:11; 6:4


1Ki 10:18-20; Lu 22:30; Re 3:21
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