Esther 8:3


1Sa 25:24; 2Ki 4:27

besought him with tears. Heb. she wept and besought him.

Isa 38:2; Ho 12:4; Heb 5:7


3:8-15; 7:4

Psalms 2:1-2

1 The kingdom of Christ.

10 Kings are exhorted to accept it.

A.M. 2963. B.C. 1042. Why.

18:42; 46:6; 83:4-8; Isa 8:9; Lu 18:32; Ac 4:25

rage. or, tumultuously assemble.

Lu 22:1,2,5,22,23; Ac 16:22; 17:5,6; 19:28-32


Mt 21:38; Joh 11:49,50; Ac 5:33; Re 17:14

imagine. Heb. meditate.


10; 48:4; 110:5; Mt 2:16; Lu 13:31; 23:11,12; Ac 12:1-6; Re 17:12-14


Mt 26:3,59; 27:1; Ac 4:5-8


Ex 16:7; Pr 21:30; Joh 15:23; Ac 9:4


45:7; 89:20; Isa 61:1; Joh 1:41; 3:34; Ac 10:38; Heb 1:9

Psalms 36:4


38:12; 1Sa 19:11; Es 5:14; 6:4; Pr 4:16; Ho 7:6,7; Mic 2:1; Mt 27:1

Ac 23:12

mischief. or, vanity. setteth.

Pr 24:23; Isa 65:2; Jer 6:16; 8:6; 9:2-9; Mic 6:8


97:10; Job 15:16; Am 5:15; Ro 1:32; 12:9; Re 2:2

Psalms 52:2


50:19; 64:2-6; 140:2,3; Pr 6:16-19; 30:14; Jer 9:3,4; 18:18

Mt 26:59; Ac 6:11-13; 24:1,5; Re 12:10


57:4; 59:7; Pr 12:18; 18:21


109:2; 120:2; 2Co 4:2; 11:13

Isaiah 30:1

1 The prophet threatens the people for their confidence in Egypt,

8 and contempt of God's word.

18 God's mercies towards his church.

27 God's wrath and the people's joy, in the destruction of Assyria.

A.M. cir. 3291. B.C. cir. 713. the rebellious.

9; 1:2; 63:10; 65:2; De 9:7,24; 29:19; Jer 4:17; 5:23; Eze 2:3

Eze 3:9,26,27; 12:2,3; Ho 7:13; Ac 7:51,52

that take.

8:19; 29:15; 1Ch 10:13,14; Ho 4:10-12


4:5; *marg:

28:15,20; 32:2; Ps 61:4; 91:1-4


1:5; 5:18; Nu 32:14; Ho 13:2; Ro 2:5; 2Ti 3:13

Isaiah 59:4


16; Jer 5:1,4,5; Eze 22:29-31; Mic 7:2-5


30:12; Job 15:31; Ps 62:10; Jer 7:4,8

and speak.

3; Ps 62:4

they conceive.

13; Job 15:35; Ps 7:13; Pr 4:16; Mic 2:1; Jas 1:15

Jeremiah 5:5

get me.

Am 4:1; Mic 3:1; Mal 2:7

but these.

6:13; Ps 2:2,3; Eze 22:6-8,25-29; Mic 3:1-4,11; 7:3,4; Zep 3:3-5

Mt 19:23-26; Lu 18:24; 19:14; Ac 4:26,27; Jas 2:5-7

Jeremiah 18:18


11; 11:19; Ps 21:11; Isa 32:7; Mic 2:1-3

for the.

13:13,14; 14:14-16; 29:25-29; Le 10:11; 1Ki 22:24; Mal 2:7

Lu 11:45; Joh 7:47-49; 9:40


2Sa 15:31; 17:14; Job 5:13

Come and let us smite.

26:11; Ps 52:2; 57:4; 64:3; Pr 18:21

with. or, for. and let us not.

5:12,13; 43:2; 44:17
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