Esther 9:10

ten sons.

5:11; Ex 20:5; Job 18:18,19; 27:13-15; Ps 21:10; 109:12,13


3:1; 7:4,6; Ex 17:16

but on the spoil.It does not appear that the Jews slew any person who did not rise up to destroy them: they stood for their lives; and gave full proof that they sought their own personal safety, and not the property of their enemies: though the decree in their favour gave them authority to take the property of all their adversaries.


8:11; Ge 14:23; Ro 12:17; Php 4:8

Esther 9:16

gathered themselves.




8:11; Le 26:7,8

1 Timothy 6:10

the love.

Ge 34:23,24; 38:16; Ex 23:7,8; De 16:19; 23:4,5,18; Jud 17:10,11

Jud 18:19,20,29-31; 2Sa 4:10,11; Pr 1:19; Isa 1:23; 56:11; Jer 5:27

Jer 5:28; Eze 13:19; 16:33; 22:12; Mic 3:11; 7:3,4; Mal 1:10

Mt 23:14; Ac 1:16-19; Tit 1:11; Re 18:13


21; 2Ti 4:10; Jude 1:11; Re 2:14,15

erred. or, been seduced. and pierced.

Ge 29:14,26,31-35; 2Ki 5:27; Ps 32:10; Pr 1:31; 2Pe 2:7,8
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