Exodus 12:2-3

A.M. 2513. B.C. 1491. An. Exod. Isr. 1. Abib or Nisan.

13:4; 23:15; 34:18; Le 23:5; Nu 28:16; De 16:1; Es 3:7

Speak ye.

4:30; 6:6; 14:15; 20:19; Le 1:2

in the tenth.

6; Joh 12:1,12

take to.

Ge 4:4; 22:8; 1Sa 7:9; Joh 1:29,36; 1Co 5:7; Re 5:6-13; 7:9-14; 13:8

lamb. or, kid.The word {seh} means the young of both sheep and goats, and may be indifferently rendered either lamb or kid. It is evident from ver. 5 that the Hebrews might take either; but they generally preferred a lamb, from being of a more gentle nature.

Le 5:6; Nu 15:11; 2Ch 35:7

an house.The Israelites were divided into twelve tribes, these tribes into families, the families into houses, and the houses into particular persons.

Nu 1:1-54; Jos 7:14
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