Exodus 14

1 God instructs the Israelites in their journey.

5 Pharaoh pursues after them.

10 The Israelites murmur.

13 Moses comforts them.

15 God instructs Moses.

19 The cloud removes behind the camp.

21 The Israelites pass through the Red sea, which drowns the Egyptians.

the Lord spake.

12:1; 13:1

that they.

9; 13:17,18; Nu 33:7,8

Pi-hahiroth.{Pi-hachiroth,} "the mouth of Chiroth," as it is rendered by the LXX. Dr. Shaw is of opinion, that Chiroth denotes the valley which extends from the wilderness of Etham to the Red Sea. "This valley," he observes, "ends at the sea in a small bay made by the eastern extremities of the mountains (of Gewoubee and Attackah, between which the valley lies) which I have been describing, and is called Tiah-Beni-Israel, i.e., the road of the Israelites, by a tradition that is still kept up by the Arabs, of their having passed through it; so it is also called Baideah, from the new and unheard of miracle that was wrought near it, by dividing the Red sea, and destroying therein Pharaoh, his chariots, and his horsemen."

Migdol.The word {Migdol} signifies a tower, and hence some have supposed that it was a fortress which served to defend the bay. But the LXX. render it [Magdólos,] Magdolus, which is mentioned by Herodotus, Hecatæus, and others, and is expressly said by Stephanus (de Urb.) to be [polis Aigyptou,] "a city of Egypt." This Bochart conjectures to have been the same as Migdol. See the Parallel Passages.

Jer 44:1; 46:14; Eze 29:10

Heb. Baal-zephon.This may have been the name of a town or city in which Baal was worshipped; and probably called {zephon,} from being situated on the north point of the Red sea, near the present Suez.


7:3,4; De 31:21; Ps 139:2,4; Eze 38:10,11,17; Ac 4:28

They are entangled.

Jud 16:2; 1Sa 23:7,23; Ps 3:2; 71:11; Jer 20:10,11


8,17; 4:21-31; 7:3,13,14; Ro 11:8

I will be.

18; 9:16; 15:10,11,14-16; 18:11; Ne 9:10; Isa 2:11,12; Eze 20:9

Eze 28:22; 39:13; Da 4:30-37; Ro 9:17,22,23; Re 19:1-6

that the Egyptians.


and the heart.

12:33; Ps 105:25

Why have we.

Jer 34:10-17; Lu 11:24-26; 2Pe 2:20-22


23; 15:4; Jos 17:16-18; Jud 4:3,15; Ps 20:7; 68:17; Isa 37:24

the Lord.


with an high hand.

6:1; 13:9,16,18; Nu 33:3; De 26:8; 32:27; Ps 86:13; Ac 13:17

the Egyptians.

15:9; Jos 24:6



sore afraid.

Ps 53:5; Isa 7:2; 8:12,13; 51:12,13; Mt 8:26; 14:30,31; 1Jo 4:18

cried out.

Jos 24:7; 2Ch 18:31; Ne 9:9; Ps 34:17; 106:44; 107:6,13,19,28

Isa 26:16; Jer 22:23; Mt 8:25


15:23,24; 16:2,3; 17:2,3; Nu 11:1; 14:1-4; 16:41; Ps 106:7,8


5:22; Ge 43:6; Nu 11:15

Is not this.

5:21; 3:9

Let us alone.

Ho 4:17; Mr 1:24; 5:7,17,18

For it had.

Jon 4:3,8

Fear ye not.

Nu 14:9; De 20:3; 2Ki 6:16; 2Ch 20:15,17; Ps 27:1,2; 46:1-3

Isa 26:3; 30:15; 35:4; 41:10-14; Mt 28:5

see the.

30; 15:1-27; Ge 49:18; 1Ch 11:14; Ps 3:8; Isa 43:11; Jer 3:23

La 3:26; Ho 13:4,9; Hab 3:8,13

for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to-day. or, for whereasye have seen the Egyptians to-day, etc. ye shall see.

30; 15:4,5,10,19,21; Ne 9:9

the Lord.

25; 15:3; De 1:30; 3:22; 20:4; Jos 10:10,14,42; 23:3,10; Jud 5:20

2Ch 20:17,29; Ne 4:20; Isa 31:4,5


Ps 50:3; 83:1; Isa 30:15

17:4; Jos 7:10; Ezr 10:4,5; Ne 9:9


21,26; 4:2,17,20; 7:9,19

the sea.This sea was what is called in Scripture {yam suph,} "the sea of weeds;" so called, according to Mr. Bruce, from the vast quantity of coral which grows in it. In the LXX. it is called [thalassa erythra,] and by the Latins {Rubrum mare,} and we from them the Red Sea; so called it is supposed, from {Edom} (red) or Esau, whose territories extend to its coasts. It separates Arabia from Egypt and Ethiopia, and is computed to be 150 leagues in length from Suez to the straits of Babelmandel. The upper part is divided into two gulfs, that to the East called the Elanitic, from the city Elana at the northern extremity, and that to the west, the Heroopolitic, from the city of Heroopolis. The former is called by the Arabians Bahr el Akaba, the sea of Akaba; and the latter Bahr el Kolzum, the sea of destruction, or Clysmæ; which was that which the Israelites passed.

and the.


I, behold.

Ge 6:17; 9:9; Le 26:28; De 32:39; Isa 48:15; 51:12; Jer 23:39

Eze 5:8; 6:3; 34:11,20; Ho 5:14

I will.

8; 4:23; 7:3,13,14

and I will.


See on ver.


4; 7:5,17

the angel.

24; 13:21; 23:20,21; 32:34; Nu 20:16; Isa 63:9

and the pillar.


Ps 18:11; Pr 4:18,19; Isa 8:14; 2Co 2:15,16



the Lord.

15:8; Jos 3:13-16; 4:23; Ne 9:11; Job 26:12; Ps 66:6; 74:13

Ps 78:13; 106:7-10; 114:3-5; 136:13; Isa 51:10,15; 63:12

the children.

29; 15:19; Nu 33:8; Ps 66:6; 78:13; Isa 63:13; 1Co 10:1; Heb 11:29

and the waters.This verse demonstrates that this event was wholly miraculous, and cannot be ascribed, as some have supposed, to an extraordinary ebb, which happened just then to be produced by a strong east wind: for this would not have caused the waters, contrary to every law of fluids, to stand as a wall on the right hand and the left.

a wall.

15:8; Hab 3:8-10; Zec 2:5

17; 15:9,19; 1Ki 22:20; Ec 9:3; Isa 14:24-27

that in the.

1Sa 11:11

looked unto.

Job 40:12; Ps 18:13,14; 77:16-19; 104:32



and troubled.

25; Job 22:13; 23:15,16; 34:20,29; Ps 48:5

took off.

Jud 4:15; Ps 46:9; 76:6; Jer 51:21

that they drave them heavily. or, and made them to goheavily. Let us flee.

Job 11:20; 20:24; 27:22; Ps 68:12; Am 1:14; 5:19; 9:1

for the Lord.

14; De 3:22; 1Sa 4:7,8

Stretch out.

16; 7:19; 8:5; Mt 8:27

the waters.

1:22; Jud 1:6,7; Mt 7:2; Jas 2:13; Re 16:6

and the sea.

21,22; 15:1-21; Jos 4:18


Jud 5:20,21

overthrew. Heb. shook off.

the waters.

15:10; De 11:4; Ne 9:11; Ps 78:53; Hab 3:8-10,13; Heb 11:29


13; 2Ch 20:24; Ps 106:9-11; 136:15


22; Job 38:8-11; Ps 66:6,7; 77:19,20; 78:52,53; Isa 43:2

Isa 51:10,13; 63:12,13

a wall.

Jos 3:16

the Lord.

13; 1Sa 14:23; 2Ch 32:22; Ps 106:8,10; Isa 63:9; Jude 1:5


Ps 58:10; 59:10; 91:8; 92:9-11

work. Heb. hand. feared.

1Sa 12:18; Ps 119:120


4:31; 19:9; 2Ch 20:20; Ps 106:12,13; Lu 8:13; Joh 2:11,23-25

Joh 8:30-32; 11:45; Ac 8:13

Exodus 15

1 The song of Moses, Miriam, and Israel on their deliverance.

22 The people want water in the wilderness.

23 The waters at Marah are bitter, they murmur, Moses prays, and sweetens the waters by God's direction.

27 They encamp at Elim, where are twelve wells, and seventy palm trees.


Jud 5:1-31; 2Sa 22:1-51; Ps 106:12; 107:8,15,21,22; Isa 12:1-6

Isa 51:10,11; Re 15:3


21; 14:17,18,27; 18:11; Col 2:15


Ps 18:1,2; 27:1; 28:8; 59:17; 62:6,7; 118:14; Hab 3:17-19; Php 4:13


De 10:21; Ps 22:3; 109:1; 140:7; Re 15:3

my salvation.

14:13; 2Sa 22:51; Ps 68:20; Isa 12:2; 45:17; 49:6; Jer 3:23; Lu 1:77

Lu 2:30; Joh 4:22; Ac 4:12; Re 19:1

my God.

4:22; Ge 17:7; Ps 22:10; Jer 31:33; 32:38; Zec 13:9

an habitation.

40:34; Ge 28:21,22; 2Sa 7:5; 1Ki 8:13,27; Ps 132:5; Isa 66:1

2Co 5:19; Eph 2:22; Col 2:9

my father's God.


exalt him.

2Sa 22:47; Ps 18:46; 30:1; 34:3; 99:5,9; 118:28; 145:1; Isa 25:1

Joh 5:23; Php 2:11; Re 5:9-14

a man.

Ps 24:8; 45:3; Re 19:11-21


3:13,15; 6:3,6; Ps 83:18; Isa 42:8





14:28; Eze 27:34; Jon 2:2; Mic 7:19; Mt 18:6


Ne 9:11; Jer 51:63,64; Re 18:21

right hand.

11; 1Ch 29:11,12; Ps 17:7; 44:3; 60:5; 74:11; 77:10; 89:8-13

Ps 98:1; 118:15,16; Isa 51:9; 52:10; Mt 6:13


Ps 2:9; Isa 30:14; Jer 13:14; Re 2:27

the greatness.

9:16; De 33:26; Ps 68:33; 148:13; Isa 5:16; Jer 10:6

them that.

Isa 37:17,23,29,36,38; Mic 4:11; Na 1:9-12; Zec 2:8; 14:3,8

Ac 9:4


Ps 59:13; 83:13; Isa 5:24; 47:14; Na 1:10; Mal 4:1; Mt 3:12


14:21; 2Sa 22:16; Job 4:9; Isa 11:4; 37:7; 2Th 2:8

the floods.

14:22; Ps 78:13; Hab 3:10

I will pursue.

Ge 49:27; Jud 5:30; 1Ki 19:2; 20:10; Isa 10:8-13; 36:20; 53:12

Hab 3:14; Lu 11:22

destroy. or, repossess.



14:21; Ge 8:1; Ps 74:13,14; 135:7; 147:18; Isa 11:15; Jer 10:13

Am 4:13; Mt 8:27

the sea.

14:28; De 11:4

they sank.


like unto thee.

De 3:24; 33:26; 1Sa 2:2; 2Sa 7:22; 1Ki 8:23; Ps 35:10; 77:19; 86:8

Ps 89:6-8; Isa 40:18,25; Jer 10:6,16; 49:19

gods. or, mighty ones. glorious.

Le 19:2; Ps 89:18; 145:17; Isa 6:3; 30:11; 57:15; 1Pe 1:15,16

Re 4:8


Ps 66:5; 77:14; 89:5,7; 90:11; 119:120; Isa 64:2,3; Jer 10:7

Lu 12:5; Heb 12:28,29; Re 15:4; 19:1-6




Ge 19:16; Eph 2:4


Ps 77:14,15,20; 78:52,53; 80:1; 106:9; Isa 63:12,13; Jer 2:6


1Pe 1:5


Ps 78:54


Nu 14:14; 22:5; De 2:4,5; Jos 2:9,10; 9:24; Ps 48:6

of Palestina.

Isa 14:29,31


Ge 36:40; Nu 20:14-21; De 2:4; 1Ch 1:51-54


Nu 22:3-5; Hab 3:7

all the.

Jos 2:11; 5:1


De 20:8; Jos 2:9; *marg:

Jos 14:8; 1Sa 14:16; 2Sa 17:10; Ps 68:2; Isa 13:7; 19:1; Eze 21:7

Na 2:10


De 2:25; 11:25; Jos 2:9


11:7; 1Sa 2:9; 25:37

which thou.

19:5,6; De 32:6,9; 2Sa 7:23; Ps 74:2; Isa 43:1-3; 51:10; Jer 31:11

Ac 20:28; Tit 2:14; 1Pe 2:9; 2Pe 2:1


Ps 44:2; 78:54,55; 80:8; Isa 5:1-4; Jer 2:21; 32:41


Ps 78:54,68,69; Jer 31:23

Ps 10:16; 29:10; 146:10; Isa 57:15; Da 2:44; 4:3; 7:14,27; Mt 6:13

Re 11:15-17


14:23; Pr 21:31


14:28,29; Heb 11:29


Jud 4:4; 1Sa 10:5; 2Ki 22:14; Lu 2:36; Ac 21:9; 1Co 11:5; 14:34


2:4; Nu 12:1; 20:1; 26:59; Mic 6:4

a timbrel.{Toph,} in Arabic called {duff} or {diff,} and in Spanish {adduffa,} is the {tabret} used in the East; being a thin, broad, wooden hoop, with parchment extended over one side of it, to which small pieces of brass, tin, etc., are attached, which make a jingling noise: it is held up with one hand and beaten upon with the other, and is precisely the same as the tambourine.

all the.

Jud 11:34; 21:21; 1Sa 18:6; 2Sa 6:5,14,16; Ps 68:11,25; 81:2; 149:3

Ps 150:4


1Sa 18:7; 2Ch 5:13; Ps 24:7-10; 134:1-3

Sing ye.

1; Jud 5:3; Isa 5:1-30; Re 7:10-12; 5:9; 14:3; 15:3; 19:1-6

wilderness of Shur.This lay on the eastern shore of the Heroopolitic gulf of the Red Sea, and is still called the desert of Shur, according to Dr. Shaw.

Ge 16:7; 25:18; 1Sa 15:7

three days.



Nu 33:8

Marah. i.e., bitterness.

Ru 1:20

14:11; 16:2,8,9; 17:3,4; Nu 11:1-6; 14:1-4; 16:11,41; 17:10

Nu 20:2-5; 21:5; 1Co 10:10; Php 2:14; Jude 1:16


17:3; Ps 78:19,20; Mt 6:25


14:10; 17:4; Ps 50:15; 91:15; 99:6; Jer 15:1

a tree.

2Ki 2:21; 4:41; 1Co 1:18

a statute.

Jos 24:21-25


16:4; De 8:2,16; 13:3; Jud 2:22; 3:1,4; Ps 66:10; 81:7; Pr 17:3

Jer 9:7; 1Pe 1:6,7

If thou.

Le 26:3,13; De 7:12,13,15; 28:1-15

and wilt.

De 12:28; 13:18; 1Ki 11:33,38; 2Ki 22:2; Eze 18:5


9:10,11; 12:29; De 7:15; 28:27,60

for I am.

23:25; 2Ki 20:5; Job 5:18; Ps 41:3,4; 103:3; 147:3; Isa 57:18

Jer 8:22; 33:6; Ho 6:1; Jas 5:11-16

Elim.This was on the northern skirts of the desert of Sin, and, according to Dr. Shaw, two leagues from Tor, and near 30 from Corondel, which he conjectures to be Marah, where there is a small rill, which is brackish. He found but nine of the wells, the other three being filled up with sand; but the 70 palm trees had increased into more than 2,000.

Nu 33:9; Isa 12:3; Eze 47:12; Re 7:17; 22:2

Nehemiah 9:11


Ex 14:21,22,27,28; Ps 66:6; 78:13; 114:3-5; 136:13-15

Isa 63:11-13

their persecutors.

Ex 15:1-21; Ps 106:9-11; Heb 11:29

as a stone.

Ex 15:5,10; Re 18:21

Psalms 77:15-20


136:11,12; Ex 6:6; De 9:26,29; Isa 63:9

the sons.

Ge 48:3-20

114:3-6; Ex 14:21; Jos 3:15,16; Hab 3:8-10,15

poured out like water. Heb. were poured forth with water.



18:14; 144:6; 2Sa 22:15; Hab 3:11


29:3-9; Ex 19:16; Job 37:1-5; Re 11:19


97:4; Hab 3:4; Re 18:1


Ex 19:18; 2Sa 22:8,14; Mt 27:51; 28:2; Re 20:11


29:10; 97:2; Ne 9:11; Na 1:3,4; Hab 3:15


Ex 14:28; Ro 11:33

78:52; 80:1; Ex 13:21; 14:19; Isa 63:11,12; Ho 12:13; Ac 7:35,36

Psalms 78:13

He divided.

66:6; 106:9,10; 136:13-15; Ex 14:1-15:27; Isa 63:13; 1Co 10:2,3


38:7; Jos 3:16; Hab 3:15

Psalms 136:13-15

66:5,6; 74:13; 78:13; 106:9-11; Ex 14:21,22,29; Isa 63:12,13

Heb 11:29

pass through.

78:13; 106:9; Ex 14:22

But overthrew. Heb. But shaked off.

78:53; 135:9; Ex 14:27,28; 15:4,5,10,11; Ne 9:10,11

for his mercy.

65:5; 79:6-9; 143:12; Ex 15:12,13; Lu 1:71-74
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