Exodus 14:30

the Lord.

13; 1Sa 14:23; 2Ch 32:22; Ps 106:8,10; Isa 63:9; Jude 1:5


Ps 58:10; 59:10; 91:8; 92:9-11

Exodus 32:11-12


De 9:18-20,26-29; Ps 106:23

the Lord his God. Heb. the face of the Lord. why doth.

Nu 11:11; 16:22; De 9:18-20; Ps 74:1,2; Isa 63:17; Jer 12:1,2

which thou.



Nu 14:13-16; De 9:28; 32:26,27; Jos 7:9; Ps 74:18; 79:9,10

Eze 20:9,14,22

Turn from.

De 13:17; Jos 7:26; Ezr 10:14; Ps 78:38; 85:3


14; Ge 6:6; De 32:36; Ps 90:13; 106:45; Am 7:3,6; Jon 3:9; Zec 8:14

Numbers 14:13-25

And Moses said unto the Lord.From this verse to ver. 19, inclusive, we have the words of the earnest intercession of Moses: they need no explanation; they are full of simplicity and energy.

Then the.

Ex 32:12; De 9:26-28; 32:27; Jos 7:8,9; Ps 106:23; Eze 20:9,14

they have.

Ex 15:14; Jos 2:9,10; 5:1

art seen.

12:8; Ge 32:30; Ex 33:11; De 5:4; 34:10; Joh 1:18; 14:9; 1Co 13:12

1Jo 3:2

thy cloud.

9:15-21; 10:34; Ex 13:21,22; 40:38; Ne 9:12,19; Ps 78:14; 105:39

Jud 6:16

De 9:28; 32:26,27; Jos 7:9

Mic 3:8; Mt 9:6,8


Ex 34:6,7; Ps 103:8; 145:8; Jon 4:2; Mic 7:18; Na 1:2,3; Ro 3:24-26

Ro 5:21; Eph 1:7,8


Ex 20:5; 34:7; Jer 23:2


Ex 32:32; 34:9; 1Ki 8:34; Ps 51:1,2; Eze 20:8,9; Da 9:19


Isa 55:7; Tit 3:4-7

and as thou.

Ex 32:10-14; 33:17; Ps 78:38; 106:7,8,45; Jon 3:10; 4:2; Mic 7:18

Jas 5:15; 1Jo 5:14-16

until now. or, hitherto.


as truly.

De 32:40; Isa 49:18; Jer 22:24; Eze 5:11; 18:3; 33:11,27; Zep 2:9

all the.

Ps 72:19; Hab 2:14; Mt 6:10

which have.

11; De 1:31-35; Ps 95:9-11; 106:26; Heb 3:17,18


Ex 17:2; Ps 95:9; 106:14; Mal 3:15; Mt 4:7; 1Co 10:9; Heb 3:9

ten times.

Ge 31:7,41; Job 19:3

Surely they shall not see. Heb. If they see.

26:64; 32:11; De 1:35-45; Ne 9:23; Ps 95:11; 106:26; Eze 20:15

Heb 3:17,18; 4:3

my servant.

6-9; 13:30; 26:65; De 1:36; Jos 14:6-14

another spirit.Caleb had another spirit; not only a bold, generous, courageous, noble, and heroic spirit, but the Spirit and influence of God, which thus raised him above human inquietudes and earthly fears. Therefore he followed God fully; literally, "and he filled after me:" God shewed him the way he was to take and the line of conduct he was to pursue, and he filled up this line, and in all things followed the will of his Maker.

followed me.

32:11,12; De 6:5; Jos 14:8,9; 1Ch 29:9,18; 2Ch 25:2; Ps 119:80,145

Pr 23:26; Ac 11:23; Eph 6:6; Col 3:23

the Amalekites.


turn you.

4; De 1:40; Ps 81:11-13; Pr 1:31

Isaiah 51:9-10


17; 27:1; Ps 7:6; 44:23; 59:4; 78:65; Hab 2:19


52:1; 59:17; Ps 21:13; 74:13,14; 93:1; Re 11:17

O arm.

5; 53:1; 59:16; 62:8; Lu 1:51; Joh 12:38

as in.

Jud 6:13; Ne 9:7-15; Ps 44:1

Art thou.

Job 26:12; *marg:

Ps 87:4; 89:10

the dragon.

27:1; Ps 74:13,14; Eze 29:3; Hab 3:13; Re 12:9


42:15; 43:16; 50:2; 63:11,12; Ex 14:21,22; 15:13; Ps 74:13

Isaiah 63:15


De 26:15; Ps 33:14; 80:14; 102:19,20; La 3:50

the habitation.

57:15; 66:1; 1Ki 8:27; 2Ch 30:27; Ps 113:5,6; 123:1


51:9,10; Ps 89:49

sounding. or, multitude. thy bowels.

9; 49:15; Ps 25:6; *marg:

Jer 31:20; Ho 11:8; Lu 1:78; *marg:

Php 2:1; 1Jo 3:17


Ps 77:7-9

Jeremiah 2:6


8; 5:2; Jud 6:13; 2Ki 2:14; Job 35:10; Ps 77:5; Isa 64:7

brought us up.

Ex 14:1-15:27; Isa 63:9,11-13; Ho 12:13; 13:4

led us.

2; De 8:14-16; 32:10

the shadow.

Job 3:5; 10:21,22; Ps 23:4; Mt 4:16
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