Exodus 16:36


Leviticus 5:1

1 He that sins in concealing his knowledge;

2 in touching an unclean thing;

4 or in making an oath.

6 His trespass offering, of the flock;

7 of fowls;

11 or of flour.

14 The trespass offering in sacrilege;

17 and in sins of ignorance.

a soul.

15,17; 4:2; Eze 18:4,20


Ex 22:11; Jud 17:2; 1Ki 8:31; 22:16; 2Ch 18:15; Pr 29:24; 30:9

Mt 26:63

the voice of swearing.{Kol alah,} rather, "the voice of adjuration," [phónén orkismou,] as the LXX. render; for this does not relate to the duty of informing against a common swearer, but to the case of a person who, being adjured by the civil magistrate to answer upon oath, refuses to declare what he knows upon the subject--such an one shall bear his iniquity--shall be considered as guilty in the sight of God of the transgression which he has endeavoured to conceal, and must expect to be punished for hiding the iniquity with which he was acquainted.


17; 7:18; 17:16; 19:8; 20:17; Nu 9:13; Ps 38:4; Isa 53:11; 1Pe 2:24
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