Exodus 18:13

Jud 5:10; Job 29:7; Isa 16:5; Joe 3:12; Mt 23:2; Ro 12:8; 13:6

Exodus 18:16

a matter.

23:7; 24:14; De 17:8-12; 2Sa 15:3; Job 31:13; Ac 18:14,15

1Co 6:1

one and another. Heb. a man and his fellow.



Le 24:15; Nu 15:35; 27:6-11; 36:6-9; De 4:5; 5:1; 6:1; 1Sa 12:23

Mt 28:20; 1Th 4:1,2

Exodus 18:19


24; Pr 9:9

God shall.

3:12; 4:12; Ge 39:2; De 20:1; Jos 1:9; 2Sa 14:17; Mt 28:20

Be thou.

15; 4:16; 20:19; De 5:5


Nu 27:5

Exodus 18:26

at all.


the hard causes.

15,22; De 17:8; 1Ki 3:16-28; 10:1; Job 29:16

Deuteronomy 17:8-12


1:17; Ex 18:26; 1Ki 3:16-28; 2Ch 19:8-10; Hag 2:11; Mal 2:7

between blood.

19:4,10,11; Ex 21:12-14,20,22,28; 22:2; Nu 35:11,16,19-34

get thee up.

12:5; 19:17; Ps 122:4,5

the priests.

Jer 18:18; Hag 2:11; Mal 2:7

they shall.

19:17-21; Eze 44:24

Mt 22:2,3

According to.

Jos 1:7; Mal 2:8,9; Ro 13:1-6; Tit 3:1; 1Pe 2:13-15; 2Pe 2:10

Jude 1:8

to the right.

20; 5:32; 28:14; Jos 1:7; 23:6; 2Sa 14:19; Pr 4:27

will do.

13:5,11; Nu 15:30; Ezr 10:8; Ps 19:13; Ho 4:4; Mt 10:14

Heb 10:26-29

and will not hearken. Heb. not to hearken.

Jer 25:3-14

the priest.

10:8; 18:5,7; Lu 10:16; Joh 12:48; 20:23; 1Th 4:2,8

that man.

Heb 10:28

thou shalt.

7; 13:5; Pr 21:11; 1Ti 5:20

2 Samuel 15:2-6

rose up.

Job 24:14; Pr 4:16; Mt 27:1

came. Heb. to come.

Ex 18:14,16,26; 1Ki 3:16-28

thy matters.

Nu 16:3,13,14; Ps 12:2; Da 11:21; 2Pe 2:10

there is, etc. or, none will hear thee from the kingdownward.

8:15; Ex 20:12; 21:17; Pr 30:11,17; Eze 22:7; Mt 15:4; Ac 23:5

1Pe 2:17

Oh that I.

Jud 9:1-5,29; Pr 25:6; Lu 14:8-11

I would do.

Pr 27:2; 2Pe 2:19

took him.

Ps 10:9,10; 55:21; Pr 26:25

and kissed.



Pr 11:9; Ro 16:18; 2Pe 2:3
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