Exodus 19:4


7:1-14:31; De 4:9,33-36; 29:2; Isa 63:9

I bare you.

De 32:11,12; Isa 40:31; 63:9; Re 12:14

Deuteronomy 32:11-12

Ex 19:4; Isa 31:5; 40:31; 46:4; 63:9; Heb 11:3; Re 12:4

the Lord.

1:31; Ne 9:12; Ps 27:11; 78:14,52,53; 80:1; 136:16; Isa 46:4

Isa 63:9-13

no strange.

Isa 43:11,12; 44:7,8

Joshua 24:5-14


Ex 3:10; 4:12,13; Ps 105:26


Ex 7:1-12:51; Ps 78:43-51; 105:27-36; 135:8,9; 136:10

I brought.

Ex 12:37,51; Mic 6:4


Ex 14:1-15:27; Ne 9:11; Ps 77:15-20; 78:13; 136:13-15

Isa 63:12,13; Ac 7:36; Heb 11:29

And when.

Ex 14:10

he put.

Ex 14:20


Ex 14:27,28

your eyes.

Ex 14:31; De 4:34; 29:2

ye dwelt.

5:6; Nu 14:33,34; Ne 9:12-21; Ps 95:9,10; Ac 13:17,18; Heb 3:17

13:10; Nu 21:21-35; De 2:32-37; 3:1-7; Ne 9:22; Ps 135:10,11

Ps 136:17-22

Nu 22:5,6-21; De 23:4,5; Jud 11:25; Mic 6:5

Nu 22:11,12,18-20,35; 23:3-12,15-26; 24:5-10; Isa 54:17

And ye.

3:14-17; 4:10-12,23; Ps 114:3,5

the men.

6:1-27; 10:1-11:23; Ne 9:24,25; Ps 78:54,55; 105:44; Ac 7:45; 13:19

I sent.

Ex 23:28; De 7:20


Ps 44:3-6

And I.



11:13; De 6:10-12; 8:7; Pr 13:22


De 10:12; 1Sa 12:24; Job 1:1; 28:28; Ps 111:10; 130:4; Ho 3:5

Ac 9:31


23; Ge 17:1; 20:5,6; De 18:13; 2Ki 20:3; Ps 119:1,80; Lu 8:15

Joh 4:23,24; 2Co 1:12; Eph 6:24; Php 1:10

put.From this exhortation of Joshua, we not only learn that the Israelites still retained some relics of idolatry, but to what gods they were attached. 1. Those whom their fathers worshipped on the other side of the food, or the river Euphrates, i.e., the gods of the Chaldeans, fire, light, the sun, etc. 2. Those of the Egyptians, Apis, Anubis, serpents, vegetables, etc. 3. Those of the Amorites, Moabites, Canaanites, etc., Baal-peor, Astarte, etc. How astonishing is it, that after all that God had done for them, and all the miracles they had seen, there should still be found among them both idols and idolaters!

2,23; Ge 35:2; Ex 20:3,4; Le 17:7; Ezr 9:11; Eze 20:18; Am 5:25,26

in Egypt.

Eze 20:7,8; 23:3

Isaiah 46:4

even to your.

41:4; 43:13,25; Ps 92:14; 102:26,27; Mal 2:16; 3:6; Ro 11:29

Heb 1:12; 13:8; Jas 1:17

even to hoar.

Ps 48:14; 71:18

Isaiah 63:7-14


41:8,9; 51:2; Ne 9:7-15,19-21,27,31; Ps 63:3; 78:11-72; 105:5-45

Ps 107:8,15,21,31; 136:1-26; 147:19,20; Eze 16:6-14; Ho 2:19

the great goodness.

1Ki 8:66; 2Ch 7:10; Ne 9:25,35; Zec 9:17; Ro 2:4

according to his.

55:7; Ex 34:6,7; Nu 14:18,19; Ps 51:1; 86:5,15; La 3:32; Ro 5:20

Eph 1:6,7; 2:4; 1Ti 1:14; Tit 3:4-7


41:8; Ge 17:7; Ex 3:7; 4:22,23; 6:7; 19:5,6; Ro 11:1,2,28


57:11; Ex 24:7; Ps 78:36,37; Zep 3:7; Joh 1:47; Eph 4:25; Col 3:9

so he.

12:2; 43:3,11; De 33:29; Ps 106:21; Jer 14:8; Ho 13:4; 1Jo 4:14

Jude 1:25

all their.

Ex 3:7-9; Jud 10:16; Zec 2:8; Mt 25:40,45; Ac 9:4; Heb 2:18; 4:15

the angel.

Ge 22:11-17; 48:16; Ex 14:19; 23:20,21; 33:14; Ho 1:7; 12:3-5

Mal 3:1; Ac 7:30-32,34,35,38; 12:11; 1Co 10:9

in his.

De 7:7,8; Ps 78:38; 106:7-10; Tit 2:14; 1Jo 4:9,10; Re 1:5; 5:9


46:3,4; Ex 19:4; De 1:31; 32:11,12; Lu 15:5

they rebelled.

1:2; 65:2; Ex 15:24; 16:8; 32:8; Nu 14:9-11; 16:1-35; De 9:7,22-24

Ne 9:16,17,26,29; La 1:18,20; Eze 2:3,7; 20:8,13,21


Ps 78:8,40,49,56; 95:9-11; Eze 6:9; Ac 7:51; Eph 4:30

he was.

Ex 23:21; Le 26:17-46; De 28:15-68; 32:19-25; Jer 21:5; 30:14

La 2:4,5; Mt 22:7

he remembered.

Le 26:40-45; De 4:30,31; Ps 25:6; 77:5-11; 89:47-50; 143:5

Lu 1:54,55

Where is he that brought.

15; 51:9,10; Ex 14:30; 32:11,12; Nu 14:13,14-25; Jer 2:6

shepherd. or, shepherds.

Ps 77:20

where is he that put.

Nu 11:17,25,29; Ne 9:20; Da 4:8; Hag 2:5; Zec 4:6


Ex 15:6,13,16; Ps 80:1


Ex 14:21; Jos 3:16; Ne 9:11; Ps 78:13; 114:5-7; 136:13-16

to make.

55:13; Ex 14:16,17; Ro 9:17

Ps 106:9; Hab 3:15

the Spirit.

Jos 22:4; 23:1; Heb 4:8-11

to make.

12; Nu 14:21; 2Sa 7:23; 1Ch 29:13; Ne 9:5; Lu 2:14; Eph 1:6,12

Amos 2:9-10

I the.

Ge 15:16; Ex 3:8; 34:11; Nu 21:24; De 2:24-33; Jos 3:10; 24:8-12

Jud 11:21-23; Ne 9:22-24; Ps 135:10-12; 136:17-22


Nu 13:28,29,32,33; De 1:28; 2:10,11; 3:11; 9:1-3

I destroyed.

Jos 11:21,22; 2Sa 23:16-22; Job 18:16; Isa 5:24; Mal 4:1

I bought.

Ex 12:51; Ne 9:8-12; Ps 105:42,43; 136:10,11; Jer 32:20,21

Eze 20:10; Mic 6:4

and led.

Nu 14:34; De 2:7; 8:2-4; Ne 9:21; Ps 95:10; Ac 7:42; 13:18

to possess.

Nu 14:31-35; De 1:20,21,39
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