Exodus 19:5-6

if ye.

23:22; 24:7; De 11:27; 28:1; Jos 24:24; 1Sa 15:22; Isa 1:19

Jer 7:23; 11:4-7; Heb 11:8


De 5:2; Ps 25:10; 103:17,18; Isa 56:4; Jer 31:31-33

a peculiar.

De 4:20; 7:6; 14:2,21; 26:18; 32:8,9; 1Ki 8:53; Ps 135:4; So 8:12

Isa 41:8; 43:1; Jer 10:16; Mal 3:17; Tit 2:14

all the earth.

9:29; De 10:14; Job 41:11; Ps 24:1; 50:11; Da 4:34,35; 1Co 10:26,28

a kingdom.

De 33:2-4; Isa 61:6; Ro 12:1; 1Pe 2:5,9; Re 1:6; 5:10; 20:6

and an.

Le 11:44,45; 19:2; 20:24,26; 21:7,8,23; De 7:6; 26:19; 28:9

Isa 62:12; 1Co 3:17; 1Th 5:27; 1Pe 1:15,16

Exodus 33:16

in that.

Nu 14:14; Mt 1:23


8:22; 19:5,6; 34:10; Nu 23:9; De 4:7,34; 2Sa 7:23; 1Ki 8:53

Ps 147:20; 2Co 6:17

Numbers 23:9

the people.They shall ever be a distinct nation. This prophecy has been literally fulfilled, through a period of 3,300 years, to the present day.

dwell alone.

Ex 19:5,6; 33:16; De 33:28; Es 3:8; 2Co 6:17; Tit 2:14; 1Pe 2:9

shall not.

De 32:8; Ezr 9:2; Jer 46:28; Am 9:9; Ro 15:8-10; Eph 2:12-14

Deuteronomy 4:34

take him.

Ex 1:9; 3:10,17-20


7:19; 29:3; Ex 9:20,21; 10:7

by signs.

Ex 7:3; Ps 78:12,48-53

by a mighty.

5:15; 6:21; 7:8,9; Ex 6:6; 13:3; 1Pe 5:6

and by great.

26:8; 34:12; Ex 12:30-33

Deuteronomy 7:6-8

an holy.

14:2; 26:19; 28:9; Ex 19:5,6; Ps 50:5; Jer 2:3; Am 3:2; 1Co 6:19,20

Tit 2:14; 2Pe 2:5,9

to be a special.

Mal 3:17; Tit 2:14

The Lord.

Ps 115:1; Ro 9:11-15,18,21; 11:6; 1Jo 3:1; 4:10

ye were.

10:22; Isa 51:2; Mt 7:14; Lu 12:32; Ro 9:27-29


4:37; 9:4,5; 10:15; 1Sa 12:22; 2Sa 22:20; Ps 44:3; Isa 43:4; Jer 31:3

Zep 3:17; Mt 11:26; Eph 2:4,5; 2Th 2:13,14; Tit 3:3-7; 1Jo 4:19


Ge 22:16-18; Ex 32:13; Ps 105:8-10,42; Lu 1:55,72,73; Heb 6:13-17

Lord brought.

4:20,34; Ex 12:41,42; 13:3,14; 20:2

Deuteronomy 9:26


Ex 32:11-13; 34:9; Nu 14:13-19; Ps 99:6; 106:23; Jer 14:21

thine inheritance.

1Ki 8:51

which thou hast redeemed.

29; 32:9; Ps 74:1,2; Isa 63:19

which thou hast brought forth.

7:8; 13:5; 15:15; 21:8; 26:7,8; Ex 15:13; 2Sa 7:23; Ne 1:10

Ps 77:15; 107:2; Isa 44:23; Mic 6:4; Tit 2:14; Heb 9:12; Re 5:9

Deuteronomy 9:29

Yet they.

26; 4:20; 1Ki 8:15; Ne 1:10; Ps 95:7; 100:3; Isa 63:19

which thou.

26; 4:34

Deuteronomy 14:2

21; 7:6; 26:18,19; 28:9; Ex 19:5,6; Le 11:45; 19:2; 20:26; Isa 6:13

Isa 62:12; Eze 21:2; Da 8:24; 12:7; Tit 2:14; 1Pe 2:9

Deuteronomy 32:9

the Lord's.

26:18,19; Ex 15:16; 19:5,6; 1Sa 10:1; Ps 78:71; 135:4; Isa 43:21

Jer 10:16; 51:19; Eph 1:18; 1Pe 2:9,10

lot. Heb. cord.

Mic 2:5
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