Exodus 23:8

thou shalt take.

De 16:19; 1Sa 8:3; 12:3; Ps 26:10; Pr 15:27; 17:8,23; 19:4; Ec 7:7

Isa 1:13; 5:23; Eze 22:12; Ho 4:18; Am 5:12; Mic 7:3

the wise. Heb. the seeing.

Deuteronomy 16:19


24:17; 27:19; Ex 23:2,6-8; Le 19:15; 1Sa 8:3; 12:3; Job 31:21,22

Pr 17:23; Ec 7:7; Isa 1:17,23; 33:15; Jer 5:28; Eze 22:12; Mic 7:3

Hab 1:4; Zep 3:3-5; Ac 16:37; 23:3


1:16,17; 10:17; Ex 23:7,8; Pr 24:23,28; Ac 10:34

words. or, matters.

1 Samuel 8:3

his sons.

2Sa 15:4; 1Ki 12:6-11; 2Ki 21:1-3; Ec 2:19; Jer 22:15-17

but turned.

Ex 18:21; De 16:19; Ps 15:5; 26:10; Isa 33:15; 1Ti 3:3; 6:10

1 Samuel 12:3

his anointed.

5; 10:1; 24:6; 2Sa 1:14-16; Mt 22:21; Ro 13:1-7

whose ox.

Nu 16:15; Ac 20:33; 2Co 12:14; 1Th 2:5,10; 1Pe 5:2

bribe. Heb. ransom. blind mine eyes. or, that I shouldhide mine eyes at him.

Ex 23:8; De 16:19

I will.

Ex 22:4; Le 6:4; Lu 19:8

2 Chronicles 19:7

let the.

Ge 42:18; Ex 18:21,22,25,26; Ne 5:15; Isa 1:23-26

no iniquity.

Ge 18:25; De 32:4; Ro 3:5,6; 9:14

respect of persons.

De 10:17,18; Job 34:19; Mt 22:16; Ac 10:34; Ro 2:11; Ga 2:6

Eph 6:9; Col 3:25; 1Pe 1:17

taking of gifts.

Ex 23:8; De 16:18,19; Isa 1:23; 33:15; Mic 7:3

Job 15:34

the congregation.

8:13; 20:1; 27:8; 36:13; Isa 33:14,15; Mt 24:51

the tabernacles.

11:14; 12:6; 22:5-9; 29:12-17; 1Sa 8:3; 12:3; Mic 7:2; Am 5:11,12

Acts 24:2-3

Seeing.Felix, bad as he was, had certainly rendered some services to Judaea. He had entirely subdued a very formidable banditti which had infested the country, and sent their captain, Eliezar, to Rome; had suppressed the sedition raised by the Egyptian impostor (ch. 21:38); and had quelled a very afflictive disturbance which took place between the Syrians and Jews of Cæsarea. But, though Tertullus might truly say, "by thee we enjoy great quietness," yet it is evident that he was guilty of the grossest flattery, as we have seen both from his own historians and Josephus, that he was both a bad man and a bad governor.

26,27; Ps 10:3; 12:2,3; Pr 26:28; 29:5; Jude 1:16


23:26; *Gr:

26:25; Lu 1:3; *Gr:
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