Exodus 24:10


10; 3:6; 33:20,23; Ge 32:30; Jud 13:21,22; 1Ki 22:19; Isa 6:1-5

Eze 1:28; Joh 1:18; 14:9; 1Ti 6:16; 1Jo 4:12

of a sapphire stone.The Hebrew {sappir,} is without doubt the sapphire; which is a most beautiful precious stone of a fine blue colour, second only to the diamond in lustre, hardness, and value. The ancient oriental sapphire is supposed to have been the same as the lapis lazuli. It glitters with golden spots; and is of an azure or sky-blue colour, but rarely intermixed with purple. The ruby and topaz are considered of the same genus.

Eze 1:26,27; 10:1; Re 4:3; 21:19-23

in his clearness.

So 6:10; Mt 17:2; Re 1:16; 21:11,18

Isaiah 6:1-5

1 Isaiah, in a vision of the Lord in his glory,

5 being terrified, has apprehensions removed.

8 He offers himself, and is sent to shew the obstinacy of the people unto their desolation.

13 A remnant shall be saved.

A.M. 3245. B.C. 759. the year.

2Ki 15:7


2Ch 26:22,23

I saw also.

Ex 24:10,11; Nu 12:8; Eze 1:1,25-28; Joh 1:18; 12:41; 1Ti 6:16


66:1; 1Ki 22:19; Eze 10:1; Da 7:9; Mt 25:31; Re 3:21; 4:2,10; 5:1,7

Re 6:16; 7:15-17


12:4; 57:15; Ps 46:10; 108:5; 113:5; Eph 1:20,21

his train. or, the skirts thereof. filled.

1Ki 8:10,11; Re 15:8


1Ki 22:19; Job 1:6; Da 7:10; Zec 3:4; Lu 1:10; Re 7:11


Ps 104:4; Eze 1:4; Heb 1:7


Ex 25:20; 37:9; 1Ki 6:24,27; 8:7; Eze 1:6,9,24; 10:21; Re 4:8

covered his face.

Ge 17:3; Ex 3:6; 1Ki 19:13; Ps 89:7

his feet.

Job 4:18; 15:15; Eze 1:11

did fly.

6; Ps 18:10; 103:20; Eze 10:16; Da 9:21; Re 8:13; 14:6

one cried unto another. Heb. this cried to this.

Ex 15:20,21; Ezr 3:11; Ps 24:7-10


Ex 15:11; Re 4:8,9; 15:3,4

the whole earth, etc. Heb. his glory is the fulness of thewhole earth.

11:9,10; 24:16; 40:5; Nu 14:21; Ps 19:1-3; 57:11; 72:19; Hab 2:14

Zec 14:9; Eph 1:18


Eze 1:24; 10:5; Am 9:1

door. Heb. thresholds. the house.

Ex 40:34; 1Ki 8:10-12; 2Ch 5:13,14; 6:1; Ps 18:8; Re 11:19; 15:8

said I.

Ex 33:20; Jud 6:22; 13:22; Job 42:5,6; Da 10:6-8; Hab 3:16

Lu 5:8,9; Re 1:16,17

undone. Heb. cut off. a man.

Ex 4:10; 6:12,30; Jer 1:6; Zec 3:1-7; Mt 12:34-37; Jas 3:1,2

I dwell.

29:13; Jer 9:3-8; Eze 2:6-8; 33:31; Jas 3:6-10

mine eyes.

33:17; Re 1:5-7

Ezekiel 43:2-4

the glory.

1:28; 3:23; 9:3; 10:18,19; Isa 6:3; Joh 12:41



and his voice.

1:24; Re 1:15; 14:2; 19:1,6

the earth.

10:4; Isa 60:1-3; Hab 2:14; 3:3; Re 18:1; 21:23

according to the appearance.

1:4-28; 8:4; 9:3; 10:1-22; 11:22,23

to destroy the city. or, to prophesy that the city should bedestroyed.

9:1,5; 32:18; Jer 1:10; Re 11:3-6

the river.

1:3; 3:23

the glory.Though the personal presence of Immanuel in the second temple rendered it more glorious than that of Solomon, (Hag 2:5-9,) yet this part of the vision rather relates to the times predicted in the whole of this description, those which shall succeed the conversion of the Jews, and their restoration to their own land.


10:18,19; 44:2
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