Exodus 26:1

1 The ten curtains of the tabernacle.

7 The eleven curtains of goats' hair, and the covering of rams' and badgers' skins.

15 The boards of the tabernacle, with their sockets and bars.

31 The vail for the ark.

36 The hanging for the door.

the tabernacle with ten curtains.The word {mishcan,} from {shachan,} to dwell, means simply a dwelling-place, or habitation. "When God had brought the children of Israel out of Egypt," says the very learned Dr. Cudworth, "resolving to manifest himself in a peculiar manner present among them, he thought good to dwell amongst them in a visible and external manner; and therefore, while they were in the wilderness, and sojourned in tents, he would have a tent or tabernacle built, to sojourn with them also.--Now, the tabernacle being thus a house for God to dwell in visibly, to make up the notion of dwelling or habitation complete, there must be all things suitable to a house belonging to it. Hence, in the holy place, there must be a table and a candlestick, because these were the ordinary furniture of a room. The table must have its dishes, and spoons, and bowls, and covers, belonging to it, though they were never used; and always be furnished with bread upon it. The candlestick must have its lamps continually burning, etc."

25:8; 36:8-19; 40:2,17-19; 1Ch 17:1; 21:29; Joh 1:14; 2:21; Heb 8:2

Heb 9:9,23,24; Re 21:3

fine twined linen.

36; 25:4; 35:6,35; Re 19:8



cunning work. Heb. the work of a cunning workman, orembroiderer.

Exodus 36:8


31:6; 35:10


26:1-37; 1Ch 15:1

cherubims.{Keroovim,} cherubim, not cherubims. What these were we cannot determine. Some, observing that the verb {kerav} in Syriac, sometimes means to resemble, make like, conceive the noun {keroov} signifies no more than an image, figure, or representation of anything. Josephus says they were flying animals, like none of those which are seen by man, but such as Moses saw about the throne of God. In another place he says, "As for the cherubim, nobody can tell or conceive what they were like." These symbolical figures, according to the description of them by Ezekiel, (ch. 1:10; 10:14,) were creatures with four heads and one body; and the animals of which these forms consisted were the noblest of their kind; the lion among the wild beasts; the bull among the tame ones; the eagle among the birds, and man at the head of all. Hence some have conceived them to be somewhat of the shape of flying oxen; and it is alleged in favour of this opinion, that the far more common meaning of the verb {kerav,} in Chaldee, Syriac, and Arabic, being to plough, the natural meaning of {keroov,} is a creature used in ploughing. This seems to have been the ancient opinion which tradition had handed down, concerning the shape of the cherubim with the flaming sword, that guarded the tree of life. (Ge 3:24.)

25:18,22; 1Ki 6:23; 2Ch 3:10; Eze 1:5-28; 10:1-19
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