Exodus 28:16-17


thou shalt.

9,11; 39:10-21; Mal 3:17

set in it settings of stones. Heb. fill in its fillings ofstone. the first row.

Eze 28:13; Re 21:19-21

a sardius, or, ruby.The Hebrew {odem,} from {adam,} to be red, ruddy, seems to denote the ruby; as {adam} does in Persian a beautiful gem, of a fine deep red colour, with a mixture of purple.

Job 28:18; Pr 3:15; 8:11; 20:15; 31:10; La 4:7

a topaz.{Pitdah,} is constantly rendered by the LXX. [topazion,] and Vulgate, {topazius,} with which agrees Josephus. The topaz is a precious stone, of a pale, dead green, with a mixture of yellow, sometimes of a fine yellow; and hence called chrysolyte by the moderns, from its gold colour.

Job 28:19; Re 21:20

a carbuncle.{Bareketh,} from {barak,} to lighten, glitter, a very elegant gem, of a deep red colour, with a mixture of scarlet.

Isa 54:11,12

Exodus 28:21



according to the twelve.

1Ki 18:31; Lu 22:30; Jas 1:1; Re 7:4-8; 21:12

Revelation of John 21:19-21

the foundations.

Job 28:16-19; Pr 3:15; Isa 54:11,12


Ex 28:17-21; 29:10-14


the twelve.

12; 17:4; Mt 13:45,46

every several.This may denote, that every thing will be superlatively glorious, beyond all comparison with any thing ever seen on earth.


18; 17:4; 18:16; 22:2; 1Ki 6:20; Isa 60:17,18

as it.

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