Exodus 29:38-42

two lambs.

Nu 28:3-8; 1Ch 16:40; 2Ch 2:4; 13:11; 31:3; Ezr 3:3; Da 9:21,27

Da 12:11; Joh 1:29; Heb 7:27; 1Pe 1:19; Re 5:9-12

in the morning.

2Ki 16:15; 2Ch 13:11; Ps 5:3; 55:16,17; Eze 46:13-15; Lu 1:10

Ac 26:7

at even.


a tenth.

16:36; Nu 15:4,9; 28:5,13

deal.{Deal} signifies a part, from the Anglo-Saxon {dæl,} a part, or portion, taken from the whole, from {dælan,} to divide. From Nu 28:5, we learn, that this tenth {deal} was the tenth part of an {ephah,} which constituted an {omer,} about three quarts English.


30:24; Le 23:13; Nu 15:4; 28:14; Eze 4:11; 45:24; 46:5,7,11,14

a drink.

Ge 35:14; Le 23:13; Nu 6:15-17; 15:5,7,10,24; 28:10,14,15,24

Nu 29:16; De 32:38; Isa 57:6; Eze 20:28; 45:17; Joe 1:9,13; 2:14

Php 2:17; *Gr:


1Ki 18:29,36; 2Ki 16:15; Ezr 9:4,5; Ps 141:2; Eze 46:13-15

Da 9:21

a continual.

38; 30:8; Nu 28:6; Da 8:11-13; 12:11


25:22; 30:6,36; Le 1:1; Nu 17:4

Leviticus 1

did look.

40:25; Ge 1:31; Ps 104:31

blessed them.

Ge 14:19; Le 9:22,23; Nu 6:23-27; Jos 22:6; 2Sa 6:18; 1Ki 8:14

1Ch 16:2; 2Ch 6:3; 30:27; Ne 11:2; Ps 19:11

1 The law of burnt offerings;

3 of the herd;

10 of the flocks;

14 of the fowls.


Ex 19:3; 24:1,2,12; 29:42; Joh 1:17

out of.

Ex 25:22; 33:7; 39:32; 40:34,35

If any.

22:18,19; Ge 4:3,5; 1Ch 16:29; Ro 12:1,6; Eph 5:2

an offering.{Korban,} from {karav} to approach, an introductory offering, or offering of access, in allusion to the present which is always required in the East, on being introduced to a superior.

a burnt.

6:9-13; 8:18,21; Ge 8:20; 22:2,8,13; Ex 24:5; 29:18,42; 32:6; 38:1

Nu 23:3,10,11,19,23,24,27,30; 29:8-11,13; Isa 1:11; Heb 10:8-10

a male.

3:1; 4:23; 22:19-24; Ex 12:5; De 15:21; Zec 13:7; Mal 1:14; Lu 1:35

Joh 1:36; Eph 5:27; Heb 7:26; 9:14; 1Pe 1:18,19

his own.

7:16; 22:19,21; Ex 35:5,21,29; 36:3; Ps 40:8; 110:3; 2Co 8:12; 9:7

at the.

16:7; 17:4; Ex 29:4; De 12:5,6,13,14,27; Eze 20:40; Joh 10:7,9

Eph 2:18


3:2,8,13; 4:4,15,24,29; 8:14,22; 16:21; Ex 29:10,15,19; Nu 8:12

Isa 53:4-6; 2Co 5:20,21

be accepted.

22:21,27; Isa 56:7; Ro 12:1; Php 4:18


4:20,26,31,35; 5:6; 6:7; 9:7; 16:24; Nu 15:25,28; 25:13

2Ch 29:23,24; Da 9:24; Ro 3:25; 5:11; Heb 10:4; 1Jo 2:2


11; 3:2,8,13; 16:15; 2Ch 29:22-24; Mic 6:6

the priests.

11,15; 2Ch 35:11; Heb 10:11


11; 3:2,8,13; Ex 24:6-8; 29:16; Nu 18:17; 2Ch 35:11; Isa 52:15

Eze 36:25; Heb 12:24; 1Pe 1:2

7:8; Ge 3:21


6:12,13; 9:24; 10:1; 1Ch 21:26; 2Ch 7:1; Mal 1:10


Ge 22:9; Ne 13:31

8:18-21; 9:13,14; Ex 29:17,18; 1Ki 18:23,33


13; 8:21; 9:14; Ps 51:6; Jer 4:14; Mt 23:25-28

burn all.

13,17; 3:11; Ps 66:15; Zec 13:7

a sweet.

Ge 8:21; Eze 20:28,41; 2Co 2:15; Eph 5:2; Php 4:18

of the flocks.

2; Ge 4:4; 8:20; Isa 53:6,7; Joh 1:29

a burnt sacrifice.{Olah,} a burnt offering, from {âlah,} to ascend, because this offering ascended, as it were, to God in flame and smoke, being wholly consumed; for which reason its is called in the Septuagint, [holo kautóma,] a whole burnt offering. This was the most important of all the sacrifices; and no part of it was eaten either by the priest or the offerer, but the whole was offered to God. It has been sufficiently shown by learned men, that almost every nation of the earth, in every age, had their burnt offerings, from the persuasion that there was no other way to appease the incensed gods; and they even offered human sacrifices, because they imagined that life was necessary to redeem life, and that the gods would be satisfied with nothing less.

a male.

3; 4:23; 22:19; Mal 1:14

he shall.

5; Ex 40:22; Eze 8:5


6:25; 7:2

and the.

7-9; 9:12-14



of fowls.

5:7; 12:8; Mt 11:29; Lu 2:24; 2Co 8:12; Heb 7:26

wring off his head. or, pinch off the head with the nail.

5:8; Ps 22:1,21; 69:1-21; Isa 53:4,5,10; Mt 26:1-27:66; 1Jo 2:27

his feathers. or, the filth thereof.

Lu 1:35; 1Pe 1:2

by the place.

4:12; 6:10,11; 16:27; Heb 13:11-14

shall not.

Ge 15:10; Ps 16:10; Mt 27:50; Joh 19:30; Ro 4:25; 1Pe 1:19-21; 3:18

it is.

9,10,13; Ge 8:21; Heb 10:6-12; 13:15,16

Numbers 28:3

two lambs.

Ex 29:38,39; Le 6:9; Eze 46:13-15; Joh 1:29; 1Pe 1:19,20; Re 13:8

day by day. Heb. in a day.

Da 8:13; 11:31; 12:11
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