Exodus 3:18

and they.

16; 4:31; Jos 1:17; 2Ch 30:12; Ps 110:3; Jer 26:5

and thou.


The Lord.

7:16; 9:1,13; 10:3


4:24; 5:3; 25:22; 29:42,43; 30:6,36; Ge 12:1; 15:1; 17:1; 48:3

Nu 17:4; 23:3,4,15,16; Isa 64:5

three days'.

8:27; 13:17,18

that we may.

12; 7:16; 8:25-28; 9:1; 10:24-26; 19:1; Jer 2:2,6

Exodus 4:22-23


19:5,6; De 14:1; Jer 31:9; Ho 11:1; Ro 9:4; 2Co 6:18; Heb 12:23

Jas 1:18

11:5; 12:29; Ps 78:51; 105:36; 135:8

Exodus 5:1

1 Pharaoh chides Moses and Aaron for their message.

6 He increases the Israelites' task.

15 He checks their complaints.

19 They cry out upon Moses and Aaron.

22 Moses complains to God.

and told.

1Ki 21:20; Ps 119:46; Eze 2:6; Jon 3:3,4; Mt 10:18,28; Ac 4:29

a feast.

10:9; Isa 25:6; 1Co 5:8

Exodus 8:1

1 Frogs are sent.

8 Pharaoh sues to Moses, who by prayer removes them away.

16 The dust is turned into lice, which the magicians could not do.

20 The plague of flies.

25 Pharaoh inclines to let the people go, but yet is hardened.


Jer 1:17-19; 15:19-21; Eze 2:6,7

Let my.

3:12,18; 5:1; 7:16

Exodus 8:20



Let my.


Exodus 9:13

1; 7:15; 8:20

Exodus 10:3

How long.

9:17; 16:28; Nu 14:27; 1Ki 18:21; Pr 1:22,24; Jer 13:10; Eze 5:6

Heb 12:25


1Ki 21:29; 2Ch 7:14; 33:12,19; 34:27; Job 42:6; Pr 18:12; Isa 1:5

Isa 2:11; Jer 13:18; Ro 2:4; Jas 4:10; 1Pe 5:6
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