Exodus 30:12


38:25,26; Nu 1:2-5; 26:2-4; 2Sa 24:1

their number. Heb. them that are to be numbered. a ransom.

Nu 31:50; 2Ch 24:6; Job 33:24; 36:18; Ps 49:7; Mt 20:28; Mr 10:45

1Ti 2:6; 1Pe 1:18,19

no plague.

2Sa 24:2-15; 1Ch 21:12,14; 27:24

Exodus 38:26



every man. Heb. a poll.

Nu 1:46

six hundred.

12:37; Nu 1:46

Numbers 26:2-4

The plague having swept away the last of that devoted generation, which provoked the Lord to "swear in his wrath that they should not enter" Canaan; he now, after an interval of 38 years, commands another census of the Israelites to be made, to preserve the distinction of families, and to regulate the tribes previous to their entry into the promised land, as well as to ascertain the proportion of land which should be allotted to each tribe. For, though the whole was divided by lot, yet the portions were so disposed, that a numerous tribe did not draw where the lots assigned small inheritances, or the contrary.

1:2,3; Ex 30:12; 38:25,26

63; 22:1; 31:12; 33:48; 35:1; De 4:46-49; 34:1,6,8

1:1; 1Ch 21:1

Numbers 26:63-64


1:1-2:34; De 2:14,15; 4:3,4; 1Co 10:5

2 Samuel 24:1-3

1 David, tempted by Satan, forces Joab to number the people.

5 The captains, in nine months and twenty days, bring the muster of thirteen hundred thousand fighting men.

10 David repents, and having three plagues propounded by God, chooses the three days' pestilence.

15 After the death of three score and ten thousand, David by prayer prevents the destruction of Jerusalem.

18 David, by God's direction, purchases Araunah's threshing floor; where having sacrificed, the plague stays.

A.M. 2987. B.C. 1017. An. Ex. Is. 474. again.


he.This verse, when read without reference to any other part of the word of God, is very difficult to understand, and has been used by those who desire to undermine the justice of God, to shew that he sought occasion to punish--that he incited David to sin; and when he had so incited him, gave to him the dreadful alternative of choosing one of three scourges by which his people were to be cut off. On the face of the passage these thoughts naturally arise, because "the Lord" is the antecedent to the pronoun "he,"--He moved David. But to those who "search the Scriptures," this exceedingly difficult passage receives a wonderful elucidation, By referring to 1 Ch 21:1, the reader will there find that Satan was the mover, and that the Lord most righteously punished David for the display of pride he had manifested. Oh! that Christians, who sometimes have their minds harassed with doubts, would remember the promise, that what they know not now they shall know hereafter; and if no other instance of elucidation than this passage occurred to them to remove their doubts, let this be a means of stirring them up to dig deeper than ever into the inexhaustible mines of the Inspired Word.

Jas 1:13,14


12:11; 16:10; Ge 45:5; 50:20; Ex 7:3; 1Sa 26:19; 1Ki 22:20-23

Eze 14:9; 20:25; Ac 4:28; 2Th 2:11

Go, number.

1Ch 27:23,24


2:13; 8:16; 20:23; 23:37

Go now, etc. or, Compass now all.

1Ch 21:2

from Dan.

3:10; 17:11; Jud 20:1

and number.We know not in what the sinfulness of this action consisted. Some think it was a contempt of the promise that the Israelites should be innumerable, and that they ought not to have been numbered without an express command, as in the days of Moses. Others suppose with Josephus that it was a kind of sacrilege, in omitting to collect the half-shekel a-piece for the use of the sanctuary. It however would appear that pride and ambition, and a desire of conquest, induced David to this measure, and rendered it so displeasing to God.

that I may.

De 8:13,14; 2Ch 32:25,26,31; Pr 29:23; Jer 17:5; 2Co 12:7

10:12; 1Ch 21:3,4; Ps 115:14; Pr 14:28; Isa 60:5

1 Chronicles 21:1-2

1 David, tempted by Satan, forces Joab to number the people.

5 The number of the people being brought, David repents of it.

9 David having three plagues propounded by God, chooses the pestilence.

14 After the death of seventy thousand, David by repentance prevents the destruction of Jerusalem.

18 David, by Gad's direction, purchases Ornan's threshing- floor; where having built an altar, God gives a sign of his favour by fire, and stays the plague.

28 David sacrifices there, being restrained from Gibeon by fear of the angel.

A.M. 2987. B.C. 1017. An. Ex. Is. 474. Satan.

2Sa 24:1; 1Ki 22:20-22; Job 1:6-12; 2:1,4-6; Zec 3:1; Mt 4:3

Lu 22:31; Joh 13:2; Ac 5:3; Jas 1:13; Re 12:10

provoked David.

Lu 11:53; Heb 10:24


2Sa 24:2-4


Jud 20:1; 1Sa 3:20; 2Sa 3:10; 17:11; 24:15; 1Ki 4:25; 2Ch 30:5



that I may.

De 8:13-17; 2Ch 32:25,26; Pr 29:23; 2Co 12:7

1 Chronicles 27:23-24

David took not.It seems probable, from this passage, that Joab began, by David's order, to number the children, as well as adults, but was prevented from finishing the account, probably because the plague had begun. The numbering of the effective men might have been deemed a political expedient; but pride and ostentation alone could dictate the numbering of minors and infants, especially as God had pronounced the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, innumerable.

from twenty.

Nu 1:18

he would increase.

Ge 15:5; Heb 11:12

began to number.

21:1-17; 2Sa 24:1-15

was the number put. Heb. ascended the number.
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