Exodus 32:10-13

let me alone.

Ge 18:32,33; 32:26-28; Nu 14:19,20; 16:22,45-48; De 9:14,19

Jer 14:11; 15:1; Jas 5:16

my wrath.

11,19; 22:24

and I will.

Nu 14:12; De 9:14,19


De 9:18-20,26-29; Ps 106:23

the Lord his God. Heb. the face of the Lord. why doth.

Nu 11:11; 16:22; De 9:18-20; Ps 74:1,2; Isa 63:17; Jer 12:1,2

which thou.



Nu 14:13-16; De 9:28; 32:26,27; Jos 7:9; Ps 74:18; 79:9,10

Eze 20:9,14,22

Turn from.

De 13:17; Jos 7:26; Ezr 10:14; Ps 78:38; 85:3


14; Ge 6:6; De 32:36; Ps 90:13; 106:45; Am 7:3,6; Jon 3:9; Zec 8:14


Le 26:42; De 7:8; 9:27; Lu 1:54,55

to whom.

Ge 22:16; 26:3,4; Heb 6:13

I will multiply.

Ge 12:2,7; 13:15,16; 15:5,7,18; 26:4; 28:13,14; 35:11,12; 48:16

Isaiah 62:6-7

set watchmen.

52:8; 56:10; 2Ch 8:14; So 3:3; 5:7; Jer 6:17; Eze 3:17-21; 33:2-9

1Co 12:28; Eph 4:11,12; Heb 13:17


1; Ps 134:1,2; Re 4:6-8

make mention of the Lord. or, are the Lord's remembrancers.

43:26; Ge 32:12; Nu 14:17-19; Ps 74:2,18; Ac 10:4,31


Ge 32:26; Mt 15:22-27; Lu 11:5-13; 18:1-8,39; 1Th 5:17; Re 6:10

rest. Heb. silence. till he make.

1-3; 61:11; Jer 33:9; Zep 3:19,20; Mt 6:9,10,13; Re 11:15

Jeremiah 14:11

7:16; 11:14; 15:1; Ex 32:32-34

Jeremiah 15:1

1 The utter rejection and manifold judgments of the Jews.

10 Jeremiah, complaining of their spite, receives a promise for himself;

12 and a threatening for them.

15 He prays;

19 and receives a gracious promise.


7:16; 11:14; 14:11; Eze 14:14,21


Ex 32:11-14; Nu 14:13-20; 1Sa 7:9; 12:23; Ps 99:6


18:20; Ge 19:27; Ps 106:23; Zec 3:3; Heb 9:24

my mind.

Jud 5:9; Pr 14:35


7:15; 23:39; 52:3; 2Ki 17:20

Luke 11:7-10


7:6; Ga 6:17

the door.

13:25; Mt 25:10

because of.

18:1-8; Ge 32:26; Mt 15:22-28; Ro 15:30; 2Co 12:8; Col 2:1; 4:12

I say.

13:24; Mt 6:29; 21:31; Mr 13:37; Re 2:24


Ps 50:15; 118:5; Jer 33:3; Mt 7:7,8; 21:22; Mr 11:24; Joh 4:10; 14:13

Joh 15:7,16; 16:23,24; 2Co 12:8,9; Heb 4:16; Jas 1:5; 5:15; 1Jo 3:22

1Jo 5:14,15


13:24; Ps 27:4,8; 34:4,10; 105:3,4; So 3:1-4; 5:6; Isa 45:19; 55:6,7

Jer 29:12; Da 9:3; Am 5:4-6; Joh 1:45-49; Ac 10:4-6; Ro 2:7

Heb 11:6


13:25; 2Co 6:2

18:1; Ps 31:22; La 3:8,18,54-58; Jon 2:2-8; Jas 4:3; 5:11

Luke 18:1-8

1 Of the importunate widow.

9 Of the Pharisee and the publican.

15 Of Children brought to Christ.

18 A ruler would follow Christ, but is hindered by his riches.

28 The reward of them that leave all for his sake.

31 He foretells his death;

35 and restores a blind man to his sight.


11:5-8; 21:36; Ge 32:9-12,24-26; Job 27:8-10; Ps 55:16,17; 65:2

Ps 86:3; *marg:

Ps 102:17; 142:5-7; Jer 29:12; Ro 12:12; Eph 6:18; Php 4:6

Col 4:2,12; 1Th 5:17

and not.

Ps 27:13; Jon 2:7; Ga 6:9; Heb 12:3-5

city. Gr. certain city. which.

4; Ex 18:21,22; 2Ch 19:3-9; Job 29:7-17; Ps 8:1-4; Jer 22:16,17

Eze 22:6-8; Mic 3:1-3; Ro 3:14-18


Pr 29:7; Isa 33:8

a widow.

De 27:19; 2Sa 14:5-24; Job 22:9; 29:13; Isa 1:17,21-23; Jer 5:28


7,8; Ro 13:3,4

he said.

12:17; 16:3; Heb 4:12,13


11:8; Jud 16:16; 2Sa 13:24-27


39; Mt 15:23; Mr 10:47,48



11:13; Mt 7:11


1Sa 24:12-15; 26:10,11; Ps 9:8; 10:15-18; 54:1-7; Jer 20:11-13

2Th 1:6; Re 6:10; 18:20


2:37; Ps 88:1; 1Th 3:10; 1Ti 5:5; 2Ti 1:3; Re 7:15


Ps 13:1,2; Hab 2:3; Heb 10:35-37

he will.

Ps 46:5; 143:7-9; 2Pe 2:3; 3:8,9


Mt 24:9-13,24; 1Th 5:1-3; Heb 10:23-26; Jas 5:1-8
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